Chapter 15

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Eren pov:
Thanks for 1k reads on this😭💞 enjoy chap 15

🔞Mature content warning🔞

"eREn I wAnT mOrE..."

Yeah..Sakura she was shitfaced drunk..the concert was fun, but none of these girls could hold their liquor. Mikasa had passed out and had to be held and walked in my by Sasuke as I held my cousin.

"Your breath reeks"

"nO iT dOeSnT sEe" she said blowing her breath in my face as I grimaced. She smelled like nothing but alcohol.

Mom will kill me if she finds Sakura like this..drinking is strictly off limits for her..for obvious reasons.

"Just shut up and stop, you're being annoying." I said huffing as she sighed.

"I wAs jUsT hAviNg fUn wiTh mY bEsTiEs, SaShA iS gReAt iSnt sHe I loVe SaShA sHe'S cOoL oH anD MiKaS iS hOt! i sEe whY yOu dAtE hEr, If i WeRe YoU iD dAte hEr tOoOoo? oh nO wHeRe iS mY HoT boYfRiEnD?! SasUke?" She said sluggishly.

I grunted. "Sakura seriously you're going to wake mom and the other's." I said walking into her room setting her down on her bed.

"No I dOnT wAnt tO sLeEp aLoNe, wHeRE's SaSuKe?" She said tears slowly forming her half lidded eyes. "Im ScArEd tO slEEp aLoNe, hE aLwAyS hOldS mE tiGhT" she said crying.

"Sakura you're drunk, you'll sleep like a baby" I said closing the door to her room.

Right when I closed the door a thud could be heard as I peeked my head in to see her passed out on the floor.

I shook my head sighing, picking her up and laying her on her bed throwing a blanket over her body.

She'll have the meanest hangover in the morning.. atleast she has nothing better to do.

"Eren, where is Sakura? She's not usually late for breakfast on the weekend." Mother asked setting my plate with eggs, bacon, a blueberry muffin.

"Homecoming lasted longer than expected, she's probably just a little tired." I said shrugging.

Yeah none of our parents knew we went to a loud, rowdy concert, where hard liquor was involved. Lets just pray mom and dad don't look on the internet to see Sakura and the other girls on stage with the band dancing like crazy.

Man last night was fun.


A monstrous groan came from by the stairs where a very disoriented Sakura stood, she was wearing a big t-shirt and one sock on her foot.

"Goodmorning sweet heart" My mom said cheerfully as she smiled at Sakura.

"Ugh, morning....I feel like shit" Sakura said as my eyes widened.

First red flag, Sakura never curses in front of my mom.

"Excuse me?" Mom said almost shocked at Sakura.

"Sorry Auntie..I'm hungo-"

"She's hung up...on Sasuke, starting to think that boy is a bad influence, look at her Mom little no sleep and the first thing she says is about him. Tsk Tsk" I said

I could not have Sakura giving last night away, she was too honest for her own good sometimes.

"What?" Sakura said.

"Oh I see, I don't think she's hung up dear, it's just young love.." my mom said looking at her watch.

"Oh! I have to get going, Me, Mikoto, and Kuchel are all going to a spa retreat on the outskirts of Konoha I'll be back later, please wash the dishes, and if you leave today shoot me a text so I can know you're okay and lock the doors! There have been a couple of robberies happening so be careful sweeties" she said kissing both me and Sakura on our heads leaving the house.

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