Chapter 20

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Eren pov:

"Oou this one is nice! Look Eren! Annie would like this one right?" Sakura said as I groaned annoyed.

We were at the mall, it was Saturday night and we were going to be late if she doesn't grab a damn shirt so we can make it to Armin's place before Annie got there.

"Sakura we need to go just grab one." I said.

Unfortunately Mikasa and Sasuke had something to do before we came here so we came alone.

"Okay okay, this one is nice." She said grabbing the graphic T-shirt walking it over to the checkout desk.

"Did you text Ino?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told her I couldn't make her party today, she was upset but she said she understood." She said.

"Did you tell her why?"

"Of course not, she doesn't need to know why she just needs to know I can't make it, it's not like she will find out I'm at Annie's party plus Her gift is already shipped so she should get it soon, something that tells her I'm sorry but happy birthday ." She said as I shrugged.

She bought the shirt and we exited the store getting ready to leave the mall.

The cop assigned to stay around Sakura was lurking behind us which didn't make me feel uncomfortable but it was annoying..but it was the only thing to keep Sakura safe at the moment.

The past few days at school were quiet, I think Kaiya and the others are aware of the cops being on them now. Because digging up a corpse is a serious crime and the fact they thought that was a funny prank was weird and stupid as fuck.

The fact they left Shiganshina and followed Sakura here is crazy, they're acting like fans, if you hate someone so much why go out of your way to be around them and bother them so much? In my eyes it seems like Sakura has more fans than she think she does.

We walked and got inside my car with the cop car following.

We drove all the way to Armin's house and thats when the cops lights flashed and they drove past the house leaving the area. Good, means they picked up crime from dispatch or answered a back up call.

Me and Sakura both knocked on the door and the door creaked open and it was Armin who  peeked his head outside and looked from left to right before pulling us in the house.

"Annie isn't out there right?" He asked.

"No I didn't see her or her car." I said.

"Good, we're still setting a few things up, when she gets here find a quick hiding spot so we can do the surprise" he said as I nodded.

"Here's her gifts Armin." Sakura said as he nodded and smiled taking them walking them over to a table full of gifts.

Sakura went and found Sasuke where he hugged her and she smiled up at him planting a kiss on his lips softly.

My eyes wondered the room and found Mikasa talking to Historia and Ymir who were all laughing.

I walked over with my hands in my pockets and watched as Mikasa lit up upon seeing me as she walked over wrapping her arms around me.

"I was wondering when you would get here." She said.

"Sakura held me hostage in the mall." I said as she giggled. "Of course the shopaholic of the group, Her and Historia have obtained those titles forever. Mikasa said as I chuckled.

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