Chapter 16

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Sasuke pov:

"God where are those idiots, Mikasa and Eren should've been here two hours ago" Levi said pacing looking outside of the automatic doors to the hospital where it was pouring down raining and thunder was heard and lightning was seen.

I must say I was also nervous, because its not like them to be this late.

Plus Sakura was trying her best to not freak out. Her leg was shaking crazy as she bit at her nails on her hand.

My mom, aunt and her aunt had all called checking on us, we told them about Sasha and they told us to just be safe and that they might not be able to leave right away due to flooding.

"Sasha Braus family?" A nurse came out as Sasha's dad, mom, and a couple of other kids stood and the nurse walked them to the back.

"You fucking fool! Why would you bad mouth a robber?" Connie said once again fussing at the boy named Niccolo, who only looked down in shame. He felt bad for being the reason Sasha was shot and Connie is only making him feel worse than that.

"Connie, that's enough, Sasha wouldn't want you out here yelling and cursing at the poor boy" Annie said. "Niccolo, what you did was stupid, but Sasha obviously thought you were special if she saved you, so I say you better give her free food that establishment for life." She added.

"Of course, anything for her, anything." He said bowing his head.

The Braus family all walked out soft smiles on their faces as they stood before us.

"Sasha is going to be alright" the man said in a country like voice. "They've removed the bullet casing and she's been stitched up, she should be awake soon, I advise all of her friends go see her when she wakes up, also don't leave this here hospital until that rain dies down, I don't want to see anymore youngins like yourself in one of those there hospital beds." He said as we all nodded.

Relief filled everyone knowing Sasha would be okay, but now our focus was back on Mikasa and Eren.

Where the fuck were they?

"I'm calling Mikasa again." I said pulling out my phone dialing her number only for it to go straight to voicemail.

The automatic doors to the hospital opened and there stood a drenched Mikasa and a Soaking wet Eren who both panted.

"Sorry we're late." Eren said as Sakura ran past me and went to hug him.

"You idiot, I thought something happened to you, you better start talking." She said.

"Where the hell were you and why weren't you answering your phone?" Levi scolded Mikasa.

"Eren took me out to go see my parents, we had got the call about Sasha and drove as fast as we could, it took longer than expected because of the rain and the road blocks, we took atleast ten detours..we're I was scared half to death." Mikasa said.

"You fool" I said walking up hugging her as she hugged me back.

"How's Sasha? Is she okay?" Eren asked.

"We just got word that she's doing fine, we'll be able to speak with her in a hour or so." Pieck said.

A sneeze came from Mikasa's direction as I moved quickly to take off my hoodie handing it to my cousin who thanked me.

"I'll ask the nurse for some cough syrup you seem to have caught a cold from the weather." Sasha's dad said as Mikasa and Eren thanked him and sat down near one another.

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