Ben comes out to Harry

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For benjaminwithbigwilly - hope this is okay. Ben and Harry are an interesting dynamic for sure!

"Oi, Oi, here he is!" Harry calls out as Ben walks over to the group, "You gonna be at the party tonight?"
"Of course" He grins, "I got an invite didn't I?"
"Alright, big man - don't get too big for your boots" He teases.

Ben and Harry have been sort of friends for a few years now. As much as they both liked to keep up appearances, when no one was watching they actually had each other's backs. This showed sometimes when someone would pick on Ben, Harry was always there to defend him. Even if it meant a few nasty comments from his own friends.

Harry had invited Ben to a party he was throwing at his house. His parents were out of town and he thought now was as good a time as any. Truth was, it wasn't much about 'keeping friends' for Harry, it was more about showing off to everyone he could. Not that he really knew why that mattered. It just did.

The group walk into school on Ben's arrival and walk past Nick Nelson talking to Charlie Spring at Charlie's locker.

"Oi, Nick!" Harry calls out, his voice echoing through the corridor, "Why are you hanging out with that bender, c'mon"

Ben watches as Nick hesitates, looking at Charlie then at Harry. He hears Charlie reassure Nick it's okay to go and Ben's heart sinks. Charlie really does have a heart of gold and he treated him so badly. Worst of all, no one knew about it; it was something between the two of them and it eats Ben up every single day.

Charlie glances at Ben, but Ben quickly drops his eyes to the floor.

The rest of the school day goes without any drama and Harry's group find themselves at the gates ready to go home.

"Right, you lot go and change and meet at mine at 6?"

Everyone agrees and goes their separate ways. Everyone else is in high spirits; why wouldn't they be, it's a Friday and they're about to go to the popular boy's house for a party.

Ben can't stop replaying the moment that morning with Nick and Charlie. Specifically, the moment Charlie looked at him and he looked at the floor. Why couldn't he just be comfortable with who he was? Why couldn't he stick up for the people he cared about?

Secretly, he knew the answer to that question and after a few drinks at Harry's party he decided the best course of action was to deal with the problem head on.

The reason Ben couldn't be himself was because he feared what people would think. He couldn't tell his parents, they wouldn't understand it and probably tell him to 'grow up' and that it was just a phase, like they did whenever he spoke to them about how he felt.

As pathetic as it sounded, the only person Ben felt he could tell about his secret was Harry. He was nervous, he didn't really know how Harry would react. Hence all the alcohol before he even found an opportunity to get Harry on his own.

"You alright mate, enjoying the party?" Harry's voice was as jarring as ever and Ben tried hard to suppress a wince.
"Yeah, it's good" Ben filled in, suddenly feeling really nervous.

Harry's face changed, his eyebrows dropped and his eyes suddenly seemed more serious, "What is it?" He asked, his voice quieter and sincere. Maybe he was more in tune with people's emotions than Ben first thought.

They stood in the upstairs landing, just a few feet from Harry's bedroom. As if reading Ben's mind, Harry moved towards it and opened it slightly, offering the pair of them to go in.

"You know I'm always here for you mate" Harry says once he closes the door.

Ben walks to Harry's bed and perches on it, unable to make himself too comfortable.

"Yeah I, um-" Ben hesitates, fiddling with his fingers, looking down at his hands. All of a sudden he felt very sick.

"Hey" Harry sits next to him, putting an arm over Ben's shoulders, "What's up, whatever it is doesn't bother me - unless you're a fucking bender" Harry cracks a smile but quickly lets it drop when he sees Ben's eyes.

They were sad and suddenly scared.

"Oh, is that it?" Harry laughs awkwardly, "I don't really care about that stuff" he says so blarse it catches Ben off guard.

Ben still couldn't find his words so he just stared at Harry, waiting for him to say more.

"I just like fucking with people" He continues, taking his arm away and sitting forward with his elbows on his knees, "It's an easy target, innit?"

Ben still didn't say anything. His throat was dry.

"Well say something mate" Harry encouraged, shooting Ben his usual grin before standing up and heading to the door.

"Don't say anything to anyone" Ben finally blurted out, "Please" He added more solemnly and immediately felt stupidly pathetic. To his surprise, Harry came back over and held a hand out to help him up from the bed which he took.

As he pulled him up, Harry said, "Your secret's safe with me"

Without another word, they went back down the stairs to join the rest of the party. Harry immediately disappeared to find his other friends and Ben went to the drinks table.

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