Nick and Charlie helping Imogen

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Helloooo lovely people, I am still here haha here's a request from mati_A10 - an OG reader of this book. Thank you! I hope you all enjoy x

It was a Wednesday afternoon, a week after the trip to Paris and Charlie was at Nick's house. Charlie had told his parents that Nick was helping him with his GCSE coursework as they were still being a bit annoying about them seeing each other.

Of course no school work was being done, they were playing Mario Kart instead. Both sat at the end of Nick's bed, fully engrossed in the TV as the track twisted and turned.

"I'm so going to beat you this time!" Nick said enthusiastically, throwing out bananas from his kart. He was in second place, Charlie was third which was apparently giving Nick a glimpse of hope.
"As if!" Charlie laughed, taking a corner sharply to close the gap between them.
"Do you think Imogen's okay? After the break up, I mean" Nick asked, eyes still on the game.

Charlie moved his eyes to look at Nick briefly, which unfortunately meant he lost control of his high speed kart and went off the track. He sighed, annoyed. He should know by now that even a split second of lost concerntration could mean winning or losing.

"I think so, she's been a bit quiet" Charlie thought aloud, "But I'spose that's expected"
"Ben's a dick" Nick said, "He never liked her, I think he just went out with her to make you jealous"
Charlie scoffed, "Why would he try to make me jealous?"
"He thinks you're not over him - which you are, aren't you?" It was Nick's turned to give Charlie a side glance, but luckily for him he stayed on the track. Closing in on the first place.

Charlie sensed Nick was slightly unsure of himself. He had been showing his insecurity a little more, not that Charlie minded. In his head, it meant that Nick was getting more comfortable around him, which was a good thing.

"I don't know" Nick sighed, "She's just not herself"
"It's only been a week"
"I know"
"And it was a very public break up - I still can't believe she said all that stuff to him and in front of everyone"
"She'd clearly been thinking it for a while"
"He is a terrible boyfriend" Charlie said, but before Nick could saying anything Charlie was shouting at the TV, "Augh! I can't believe that! I dodged it- I swear!"
Nick ignored his outburst, "You never told me much about when you two were going out"
"Nothing to tell" Charlie dismissed, "Come on! How are you in first place and I'm right back in 5th?"

Nick knew that Charlie was trying to steer away from the subject, but he persisted, "But he treated you like shit"
"Yeah, which is why I don't want to talk about it" Charlie said, pointedly, "Anyway, I thought it was Imogen you were worried about"
"I can be worried about more than one person" Nick shot back, a bit more aggressively than he meant to, "Sorry" He apologised immediately, "I just- it bothers me a bit that you don't ever talk to me about that sort of stuff"

Charlie paused the game and turned to Nick quickly, "So you want me to talk about my ex with you?"
Nick couldn't read Charlie's face, his expression was almost neutral. He'd never seen Charlie be so upfront before.

Nick sighed, "You know that's not what I'm saying - why are you being so touchy about this?" He sat back, leaving the controller at the foot of the bed
"I'm not being touchy, I just don't want to talk about it. Everything's so good right now, why bring up shit from the past?"
"Fine" Nick stood up, "I'm gonna make tea, do you want one?" He asked, making his way to the door. He needed a minute to gather himself, he could feel the anger rising and he didn't want to say something he regretted
"Yeah" Charlie simply said.

Once Charlie was alone, he took his phone out and messaged Imogen. After all, she was the one that the whole conversation was supposed to be about. Although he was countering Nick's points about her, he was worried too. It wasn't like her to be so reserved.

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