matching necklaces

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Ship: rinney (robin x Finney)


> Finney "buys" robin
matching necklaces for his birthday.

Finney's POV:

I've begged my dad to let me borrow some money for robins birthday but he always says no so I've been saving up coins I've found on the way to school to buy him a necklace I think I'd have enough so I was on my way to the jewelry store.

"Uh. I'd like to buy a necklace."

"Okay, which one?"

I pointed to a certain one.

"How much does this cost?"


I pulled out coins and put them on the table.

"This-This is all I have and it's my boy..- my friend's birthday."

"I'm sorry but I can't do anything about that if you didn't have the money there should be no reason why you came inside my store now leave before I call security!"

I quickly left and I checked my watch it was 5:53 robins party started at 6:00 and I still didn't have a present for him I kept walking until I stepped on something I looked down and saw a necklace with the letter b and another one with the letter t I'm sure. Robin wouldn't mind I picked them both up putting them in my pocket then walked to his house with one minute left to spare I knocked on the door and robins uncle opened it, the house look the same as always and nobody was there except robin and his uncle maybe everyone was late?

"Hey, Finn!"

Robin yelled to me and motioned for me to come over to where he was.

I walked over and he gave me a quick kiss.

"Hey rob, where's everyone else?"

"Was I supposed to invite other people?"

I shrugged I wasn't gonna tell robin what to do for his birthday it's his day.

"Anyways I got you a gift!"

"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything but what is it?"


I pulled them out with a big smile and robin laughed a little.

"What's wrong do you not like it?"

"No, no I love it.. It's cute your cute."

I blushed and smiled.

"Yeah.. Yeah just take the necklace."

Robin put the necklace on then put mine on for me then we spended the day together.

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