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"Mitchan! Mitsui san!" Hanagata greeted as soon as we entered the same train car we ride everyday which was the fourth. We came in and did our handshake before he went to hisashi to do their handshake as well before greeting the others. He scooted a bit so I could sit next to him. The others were sitting across from us.

"So...did you like it?" He asked once I settled down next to him.

"Of course, it was very beautiful and the tast was on point too. It was an experience, a paw experience" I said making him chuckle before adjusting his eyeglasses.

"I'm glad you loved it. I made it myself" he said making me gasp in surprise.

"Really? It was great!" I said which made him smile. He thanked me before we started talking more on the way back. His attention was all on me and he never once looked at haruko until the time when we all went out of the train.

"What's the look for later?" He asked as we were walked to our houses, the other guys already separated paths at the station and it was only the three of us going to this path.

"The look? What do you mean?" I asked.

"What color or style should we wear later?" He asked. It took me a while to figure out what he meant and once I did, a blush started showing on my face.

I think he also noticed how we had matching clothes everytime we hanged out outside school and seeing how he is now interested in actually matching our clothes, I just feel so happy. He's giving me more butterflies. Gosh I'm falling harder and harder everyday.

"You pick megane kun" I said as he looked away and adjusted his glasses.

"What about black?" He suggested making me smile.

"That sounds wonderful" I said before looking up to him and giving him a soft smile as he did the same. The both of us ended up staring at each other's eyes longer than we were expecting. His cheeks were pink and once I noticed we've been staring for too long, I started blushing.

"Guys you know I'm still here right?" We looled behind us to see hisashi with his hands in his pockets. I looked at hanagata to see that he was also looking at me. The both of us shared a laugh before letting hisashi pass in the middle of us as he was now leading the way.

We arrived safely at home as we said goodbye to each other before we went inside the house. Hisashi looked through the fridge to see what he could cook up for dinner. It's either he didn't find anything or he was being lazy, he decided to call for delivery. I did kicchou the cat's night chore while waiting for the food.

We had dinner at the livingroom while I watched him play his video games since I couldn't study. I still had one hour until I was going to meet hanagata for another late night hang out.

"You're going out again right?" Hisashi said. His eyes never leaving the game just as I finished my dinner.

"Yeah but this time, I'm picking him up" I said as he paused the game and looked at me.

"Listen hanami. I know how much you like Hanagata san and since I know you can handle yourself. I'll be taking away your curfew. Now the both of us will have no curfew" he said making me smile before jumping on him in a tight hug. He struggled on the floor but soon gave up and wrapped his arms around my back.

"Thanks hisashi. You're the best brother I could ever ask for" I said. I oulled away to see that he was being shy.

"Thanks. I guess mom really loves me huh?" He joked making me laugh before getting up to clean the table.

We continued talking while he played his game. After that I went upstairs to my room. Kicchou immediately sliding his body on my leg making me struggle to walk properly.

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