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We made our way out of the court and started walking towards our houses. "So I'm assuming that you already know them?" I said as he looked at me through his glasses. "Yeah they introduced themselves back there and asked me a lot of questions" he said as he looked at the two walking infront of us.

"Hanagata senpai you're a center right?" Haruko asked leaving hanamichi alome in the front. "Yes" he cheaply answered. " you're like gori!" Hanamichi said as he pointed at hanagata senpai. "Who's that" hanagata answered with confusion. "He's my oni-chan" haruko said proudly. "No matter who it is no one can beat this tensai sakuragi! NYAHAHAHAHAHA" Hanamichi suddenly said which earned a laugh from the group. Then hanagata came closer and whispered "is he your ace player?" He whisper asked but I just laughed and confusion came visible in his face. "He just started 2 months ago but he has a fast improvement and he's already big headed enough to defeat sendoh from ryonan" I said as he nodded.

Soon the four of us stopped as we reached hanagata's block.

" this is my stop guys, I hope we meet again sometime." He said as we exchanged goodbyes as he started walking to his direction as the three of us continue the same route.

"Do you like him?" Haruko said as she made sure there were zero chances that hanagata could hear. "Of course not we only just met but to be honset he really looks intimidating" I said. Okay was what I heard and soon the three of us had little conversations, they started teasing me again but stopped once they see me doin the signature angry face me and hisashi have, hanamichi boasted himself more trying to intimidate haruko which isn't working at all.

" this is my stop guys" I said as the three of us stopped infront of our house. "See you at school mit-chan" they both said as they were preparing to leave but just in time hisashi arrived. perfect timing if he arrived later then he would've got his ass whipped for being late for school.

They looked at him and greeted. "Good morning mitsui senpai!" Haruko said. Hisashi replied with a cute salute. "Mitchi! I didn't know you and mit-chan were neighbors!" He happily said raising both of his index finger and mumbled small ' Mit-chan=Mitchi?' earning a smack on the head from hisashi. "She's my sister so of course we live in the same house moron!" He said as hanamichi touched his head making us laugh.

" we're gonna go now! See you at school!" Haruko said as we bid our goodbyes as they started walking. Then I looked at Hisashi and his bike.

" WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CAT?!" I said and panicked as I saw that the back of his bike was empty. He just replied with a shrug pissing me out. Just as I was about to hit him on the head we saw a walking furball coming from the middle of the street approaching us.

"KICCHOOOUU!" I immediately got him as soon as he arrived infront of him. "I thought you were lost, good thing you know your way home" I said worriedly as I hugged him. From that moment on he didn't come near hisashi again. Yare yare.

We ate breakfast and went to the train station. Hotta and the rest of the gang arrived greeting hisashi with their handshakes and greeted me as well before we all got inside the train. Talk about bodyguards.

As we entered the train, the people inside got a little frightened seeing tall ass people entering all at once. I don't know why but they cleared up the seats and all of them went to the other side of the train shivering. We sat down as the train started to move then stopped at the next station.

The train doors opened and almost everyone hurried up and got out. Seriously what is wrong with them? Then new people started invading the train but the same thing happened. Only one part of the train was full bit our side was completely empty. We heard murmurs like 'so tall' 'scary' and other words.

"The train is awfully empty" someone who just entered said as he saw all our seats were empty. Hotta and the others stopped talking as they looked at the guy.

"Hanagata-senpai!" I said as we had eye contact. The rest of the boys looked at me including hisashi the same question lingering in their head 'who the fuck is that? He's taller than all of us here'.

"Ah mitsui-san we meet again" he replied with a smile as sat infront of us putting his school bag beside him. He was wearing his school uniform just a white button up and slacks. He was all smiley until he saw hisashi beside me.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell him about hisashi!

"Hanagata senpai this is my brother hisashi and these are his friends" I happily said pointing to hisashi and his friends. They all waved at him and some exchanged handshakes and introduced themselves. When It came to hisashi I saw hanagata senpai's face scrunch a little bit during the handshake. "Nice to meet you all I'm Hanagata Tōru from shoyo" just after he said it hisashi looked at me. 'Shoyo? Sounds familiar' was the message that I see from his face I then gave him the 'Iknow right' look before we both looked at him again.

"You're that guy here yesterday are you?" Hisashi said as kind as possible but me and hotta's gang already know somethings up. "Yeah I saw you guys here yesterday too" he nervously said as he felt the tension roaming around the train. I know that face. He doesn't like him. I looked at hotta's gang giving them a signal as they all understood giving me a nod.

"I noticed you came in from a farther station than the station close to your house?" I said breaking the tension as hotta and the others started to get hisashi to join their conversation after seeing him continously stare daggers at hanagata. "Oi mitsui we played pachinko yesterday" one of the gang started as they tried their best to stop him from giving uncomfortable stares. Eventually it worked.

" I forgot to eat breakfast because I thought I was late, I stopped on the third station to eat a bit while waiting for the next train" he explained. Then he popped like he suddenly remembered something. "I have lemon mints, want some?" He said and you nodded as he opens the can and you extend your hand so he could pour some but before any of it landed on your hand hisashi went in and got the mint. We were looking confused at him as he was staring at hanagata again with that gyumpy face as he pops the mint into his mouth.

He looked at me and we both shared the look of confusion before going back to what we were doing as I finally got my mint. "I really love lemons" I said as I tasted the mint. "I love lemons too" he said as he smiled. "Finally another guy who likes lemons, I mean sendoh and I go to the lemon house with fukuda all the time but he's on a different level" you said without thinking as he just laughed at you.

"You seriously know a lot of people" hotta said out of nowhere but you didn't get it. "I mean you got friends from ryonan, kainan, and this guys from shoyo! I like how you have so many friends" he said as I nodded. "Well thanks? How about you?" I asked. Then suddenly all of them got serious before bowing on their seats and screamed. "WE HAVE MIT-CHAN!" They all said together as hisashi's cheeks darkened from embarrassment. "SHUT UP!" He quickly said and everyone sit straight. We just laughed at their cute friendship.

A moment of silence came before the train stopped.

"See you hanagata senpai!" I said getting ready to leave. Hotta and the others had their last handshakes before going out. Hisashi on the other hand just said 'see ya' with his eyes squinting. Hanagata senpai waved as we all went out of the train and started walking to the route of the school.

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