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Author note: From now on I will start putting dates like monday or Tuesday or something to make the story a little cute. I will move the preliminary rounds so we could add more love in this book. Author san out.


You woke up and prepared yourself after cleaning kicchou's potty box and showered and went downstairs. You were too lazy to wake up earlier to do your stamina training which is just jogging towards the open basketball court and play a little bit before going back. You poured lots of food into the cat bowl. You filled up his water bottle and had breakfast. Where the yeet is hisashi? It's been thirty minutes and he's still not here.

"HISASHIIII!!" You screamed from downstairs after putting your used dishes to the sink. I heard weird mumbling from upstairs. "Whatt!!??" You screamed as you were too lazy to go upstairs and actually listen to what he said. "HELP ME QUICK!" You groaned as you made your way up the stairs and into hisashi's room.

Your eyes went boom as you see him still in his towel but the thing is he's

Blue. What the fuck.

"NYAHAHHAHAHAHAH WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!" I said seeing him look angrily at the mirror as his whole body had so much blue areas. Even the towel got dirty. "I was just taking a shower and getting out blue? What the hell man!" He angrily said trying to remove the blue color showing on his skin but it didn't work. "oh nonononono tch just calm down bro" you said calmly walking passed him.

I went inside the bathroom and looked at his shampoo. 'Instant hair dye shampoo' well then.

"Who in the right mind would use instant blue hair dye when your hair is already blue?" I questioned him as he was now angry and laid on his bed still in a towel. He covered his face with his pillow as he punched the comforter. "Instant hair dye??!!!" He angrily asked getting out of bed to get the bottle in my hands. After reading what it says he tossed it to the trash bin. He went back to his bed.

"I'm staying in" He quitely said covering his face with his pillow. "Are you sure??" I asked worriedly. "Yeah I'm sure, while you're gone imma experiment on how to remove this. I can't go around walking in school looking like that smurf bitch!" He yelled the last part as I just laughed at him. "Well okay if you say, but what about training?" I asked as I sat on his bed and started touching his blue back. "You're ayako's assistant we could train at the open court later when you come home. "Alrighty then I'm gonna head out now so I'll have enough time to reach the normal train" you said as you went close to his head and kissed it. He said goodbye as you closed his room and went downstairs. I put on my shoes and went outide then locked the door.

Cute little frustrated bitch.

I walked as I arrived wuickly at the train station. I went in to see it was empty. You heard someone whistling you on the right. You look at the left to see lots of people and you looked to your right seeing it was completeley empty except for hotta and the others, hanagata is here as well.

They signaled you to sit with them. Hottas team is basically like your bodyguards so it's cute owo. You sat next to hanagata placing your bag next to you. "Morning mitsui-chan" hanagata said quite cheerful mood today. "Moring hanagata-senpai" I smiled back as we suddenly stared at each other until someone broke it making both of us looking away.

"Where's mit-chan mitsui-san?" Youhei hair guy said. "You guys won't believe what happened to him" after hearing what you said they looked shocked. " why what happened to him mitsui-san?" Hotta said. " first of all drop the formalities just call me mit-chan and second it's a surprise. I'm begging you guys to come with me home and look at him" you said trying your best not to laugh while remembering his blue ass in a towel looking like angry birds.

"Alright we'll come over after school or after your training of course" another guy from the gang said. I quickly felt guilty after realizing they have to wait for me. "Oh nonono I don't want you guys to wait for me or something" you said as kindly as possible but they refused. "We actually have something quick to do after school so you don't have to worry about making us wait" hotta said. "Alright then" you said then he perked up his head like he remembered something important.

"There was a guy from ryonan who asked us to give this to you since he knows we're hisashi's friends but he didn't took long he immediately went out" hotta said as he gave you a clean bento box with a letter."you sure it's not from kicchou?" I said as wraised my brow at them but they nodded a no.

"What's inside?" Hanagata said as he peeked up. I placed the bento on my left leg so he could see it too as I opened it.

Lemons. Yeeeet!

"Lemons? I didn't know you were this addicted to lemons that even strangers know it" (oh yes darling I love 🍋😉) hanagata said as he chuckled. I closed it back and then placed the bento inside my bag as I opened the letter.

"Let us hear it" hanagata and the others said waiting for me to read the letter out loud.

"Dear mitsui-san, I know you don't know me but I really think you are pretty. I am one of hikouichi's friends and luckily I got him to ask fukuda-senpai about your favorite food. Please enjoy it. ??? " you finished reading as you put it inside your pocket. " wah you are really famous even in other schools" youhei hair guy said making everyone agree.

"Well this isn't my first time receiving something from another school" I nervously said. "I have that alot too especially in our school. I just reject them sometimes but I still accept the food" hanagata said. "You mist be really famous then" you said as you nidged his arm with your elbow. "We're kinda like in the same level" hanagata said as he scratched the back of his head. We had a few more conversations mostly about our experiences with people giving us gifts and confessions.

We soon arrived our station as we all bid goodbyes to hanagata which the hotta gang immediately crowded around you like you're inside a wall barrier.

"You guys don't have to do that though I can go by myself thank you!" I kindly said but they refused. "It is our duty to protect mit-chan if mit-chan isn't here even is he was here. You are somehow a little part of us so we stand up for each other" one of the gang members said which made me smile. They do look scary because of how they look and because they got into lots of gang fights before but they're just a bunch of soft giants.

We arrived at school as they escorted me to my room and we bid goodbyes as they went to the stairs going to the 2nd year wing.

You and haruko talked before the teacher came in and started he lessons. The whole day was still the same. Kicchou and sendoh went over at lunch to eat with us. Me, haruko, youhei and hanamichi cracking up jokes when the teacher isn't noticing. The day finally finished as you went to the basketball club room and opened your locker to get your training clothes.

You excitedly went to the gym and started stretching as the members of the basketball team started filling the gym one by one. You greeted ayako as she entered the gym. Everyone arrived and akagi assembled and explain that the training will become a little harder.

They started having their usual run around the court followed by different drills. Before the training actually started hanamichi and ryota came to me to ask where hisashi was but I just told them to come with me after training to be a surprise. They didn't seem to have a problem with it so yeah. Training finished and everyone cleaned themselves up and changed before veryone parted ways to go to their respective houses.

The three of us went out the gym and met up with the hotta gang before entering the again empty train and sat down. Ryota was talking to the gang with hanamichi. They used to beat each other up everytime they see each other but now they're all friends. I just sat quietly while looking out of the window.


Author note: so if you notice I seemingly like going slow. You see like three or four chapters of just one day but sorry I can't help it. Anyways enjoy reading it guys.

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