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-saturday- 7:00pm

You drove towards the downtown street. In the middle of the trip the traffic light stopped right in front of you. You looked to your right to see the second to the last train trip for the day. People entered and soon the train started to go off the same time the traffic light went green.

The road was empty. You speed up catching the speed of the train and eventually going faster than the train. You were on 160km/h and you carefully stopped as you parked your car a block away from the cafe so none of them will know you brought your car.

You looked at your watch and it was 7:09 it's a little bit early but it's fine. You started walking towards the cafe and went in. You took a seat at a nearby seat at the corner near the glass. You waited for a couple of minutes before you see sendoh coming in the cafe. He looked around and stopped when he saw you. He approached you with a smile as he sat on the chair opposite to you. "You're early~" I teased as he laughed. "I didn't want you guys to wait but the way nice outfit you look badass" he said with a nervous smile you gave him a small thank you as you complimented him as well. "Where's kicchan?" You asked. "He's still not here I guess"

Sendoh's mind:fukuda don't come. Please.

"Let's wait for him I guess" I said as a called the waiter asking for the menus which you already memorized. "So how was your day?" Sendoh ask trying to spark the tension. "It was great how bout you?" I asked as I looked at him putting down the menu. "It's fine as always" he said nervously. What's with him today? He's usually not like this when we hangout even without kicchou and now he's wearing something more formal than his regular jeans and polo like now he looled like he was interested in fashion or something. "You ok sendoh?" You asked worriedly. He laughed nervously again. "I'm fine why did you ask?" He said. "Oh nothing you're just acting weird. It's just that you're not like this when we hang out, did something happened? Or did I do something wrong?" You asked worriedly. "Oh no you did nothing wrong it's just that I'm a little nervous that's all" he said as he scratched the back of his head. "What's the thing to be nervous about?" This time you're confused. What the hell happened to him? Did he fall down the stairs or something? "It's just that I've been thinking about his for awhile and I've been waiting for the perfect time to tell you and now seems to be the best time" he said as his dace reddened up. "Tell me sendoh, what is it?" You said as you rested you elbows on the table with your face on top of it. "I..I.......I like-"

"Mitchi! Sendoh!" His sentence was interrupted when kicchou arrived as he sat in between us in the square table. "Kicchan! I thought you weren't coming because you were late" you said as he laughed and did your handshake that was labeled to be too much for bestfriends as well as sendoh "I thought you weren't coming either hehehe" sendoh said in the most weirdest way possible.

Sendoh's mind: I was just joking about this meet up and you actually came! This was supposed to be a confession date stupid!

"What did you like sendoh?" I asked after  kicchou sat down. "I like le..lelemons yeah I like lemons" "duhh who doesn't?" You answered with a small laugh.

"Let's order then!" I said excitedly as kicchou got the menu as I sat back relaxing myself on the chair. "You're not ordering any?" Sendoh asked you as you pointed at kicchou as he nodded. Sendoh called the waiter. He said his order as kicchou ordered you your favorite lemon cake with regular lemomade by the side. You and sendoh got the same thing. I mean we're lemon addicts so I suppose that's normal.

"So for the last time what are you two again?" Sendoh asked as me and kicchou looked at each other and he winked making me winked back. "He's my boyfriend stupid" I said as I laughed. He looked weirdly before me kicchou rolled our eyes. " we're bestfriends what did you expect? Kicchou has a school crush while I somehow don't have one" you said keeping your tone as sendoh nodded.

"Bruh I've told you millions of times that we're only bestfriends who's really comfortable with each other to the point that we sleep on the same bed" kicchou said making me laugh. Sendoh just had a lazy laugh.

"Sendoh is acting weird again" kicchou said making both of us looked at him while he's smiling at sendoh. "You noticed too??" I said making sendoh's face more red. "He's been like this since last week. Whenever he's looking at me I could feel like he's asking for something but I can't seem to understand what" kicchou said. "Well for me I feel completely fine" he nervously laughed for a hundredth time already. "Well alright then" me kicchou said together before switching on talking to another thing like basketball. The food also arrived so we started eating while having conversations of course.

"Hanami I heard you were the mvp in your middle school" "well she was" kicchou said making me feel embarrassed I don't know why. "Shohoku didn't have girls team and coach anzai didn't want me to throw my talent so I sigmed up for ayako's assistant which is at first I thought was going to be like her you know standing around correcting but it was actually more fun since I get to join the practice games sometimes and you know" I said and sighed. Sendoh stared as a little woah came out of his mouth making kicchou giggle.

"You should have seen her in middle school, she made 79 points all by herself making them win" kicchou said proudly while patting my head. OwO. "What? 79 points all by herself?" Sendoh said as he looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "Look I don't look like it but I really did" I said. "What was the scores by the way" sendoh said looking at kicchou before staring at you. "129 and 63" kicchou said making sendoh shocked. "Damn you're that powerful. If you continued playing you would be called superrookie already" he said as his eyes didn't leave you as he examines you face and how you looked so cool in the clothes you were wearing.

You guys had a few more conversations before all of you split the bill and went out.

"It's still 8:30, where do you guys wanna go?" I asked as the three of hs exited the cafe. "How about a short game of basketball at the local court?" Sendoh suggested as we both nodded in agreement. It was still a little early and we didn't want to go home just yet. I walked to the direction of my car but immediately stopped as I saw them goin to the opposite direction. "Where y'all going?" I asked as they looked at me. "We're hetting a cab stupid we can't walk there we'll be dead before we get there" kicchou said making you sassily hold your hips. "Ohhhhh did you bring one then?" He asked as I nodded. "What did she bring??" No answer "hanami what is he talking about?" No answer. "Just follow and you'll see. They followed you towards the empty parking space where you parked your car.

"Damn nice car" sendoh said as he stood afar admiring the car. Kicchou already sat shotgun as I unlocked it. I went in as well about to take off but sendoh was still staring at nowhere. "What the heck are you still doing sendoh? You wanna come or not?" Kicchou shouted which made sendoh land on earth as he opened the back door and went in. 

"You drive hanami? Especially this car??!!" He said like a fanboy which made me laugh. "Sendoh you might wanna hold tight" kicchou said making sendoh confused. "Hanami doesn't know the meaning of slow down" he said as I went out to the highway and zoomed towards the local basketball court which was near my house.

I parked my car somewhere as we all headed out. The lights were still on making it perfect, The sound of a basketball could be heard from the court. You three weren't expecting someone to be playing but you still went in inside. As we went in the person who was already there looked at us.


Toru Hanagata x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora