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-saturday- starts at 9am

I woke up and went downstairs to meet hisashi.

"Good morning fatty" I lazily greeted at hisashi who was having his breakfast. making my way to the fridge to get your breakfast and joined him too. "Good morning to you too fatty" he greeted as I ate my food.

"So what are you going to do today?" Hisashi asked. "I remember I'm gonna hang out with kichan and sendoh at the lemon cafe at 7" you said. "Ow alright then, just come home late or I won't let you inside. Just 11:00 is the latest since it's saturday" he said as you smiled and nodded. In his long hair era he wouldn't care if you went out or not. His car isn't always found on the parking garage below. He doesn't eat dinner here. Now he's good. He's acting more like himself again. That strict but loving vibe that he gives off and how much he cares about the people you hang out with and ho...

"Heloo are you listening??" I was interupted from my thoughts seeing how hisashi was already at the sink with our plates. I didn't even notice I already finished eating. "What were you thinking about?" He asked after putting the clean plates to the dryer. "Thinking about your hanagata senpai~?" He said acting cute at the last part. " no" I said making him laugh. "Actually he's not bad. I did a little research and found out he wasn't the gangster type, he was more of the cool handsome nerd guy" he said as we both went to the livingroom to talk about shit. "I'm glad you like him though you seemingly scared him at the train the other day" you said and sat on your chair and hisashi sat on his chair too. "By the way what are you and sendoh?" Hisashi suddenly shot me a off guard. " we're friends, I see him as a care taker of kichan when I'm not around" I said making him nod."What's with the suddenly question?" I said getting curious. "The way he's looking at you when they eat with you during lunch. Even though we eat at a farther table I could see him staring at you like looking at diamonds. It creeps me out" he said shrugging after the last one. "Really? I don't notice it at all" I honestly said. "You know what? Enough of this boy talk it's time for some family bonding" you said as you stood up and went to your room to prepare. Hisashi did the same.

These stuff we always do during weekends. With parents or not we do this. It's a time to release the shit you've been feeling.

You wore an orange shirt with blue jogging pants(if it sounds familiar then it's akagi's training clothes which I thinks looks very nice) and your favorite basketball shoes. You let your hair loose before applying lip ice to prevent your lips from cracking. You went out and got your car keys before hisashi can. He sighed after the both of us went around the house to the back and opened the gate leading to the garage. Hisashi stayed at the entrance as I went down the ramp and got the customized audi and went up. Hisashi sat in shotgun after locking the garage.

I drove going to the beach or should I say our private beach since our parents bought it for occasions. A beautiful not so little house showing itself from the road with the beach right infront of it. I pulled over at the parking spot as one of our helpers came out. We got out and greeted her as we all went inside the house.

"Thanks for maintaining the beach house ally" you said as she quickly refused. " no need to thank me mitsui-sama this is my job, I get paid to maintain this house" she said as she bowed at me. Hisashi went to the small kitchen to make food. " are you staying overnight or are you just here to visit? would you like me to put warm water on the roof tub?" I heard her say as I gently refused. "We came to visit but it's okay we still have a lot of time since I still have something to do at 7 so we could do alot of things before that" I said as she smiled. She's always alone here she just waits until one of us comes and go. Cleaning this place alone is a mess.

"How are you doing mitsui-sama?" She asked me as I sat on my couch and she sat at the opposite. "It's alright I mean it's been fun actually I met new friends and I got new memories to share with you I also feel great since this is the third time hisashi is here back to himself" I said excitedly as she chuckled. She was here eversince hisashi was 2 years old. She watched you slowly grow as you visited the beachhouse everytime. She was like a second mother to me. She always knows what to say and how to treat us if our parents couldn't come visit too.

"Oh yeah something happened to hisashi yesterday!" I excitedly said too loud. "I heard that!" Hisashi screamed making me laugh. "She's gonna know it somehow" I said as I looked back at ally. "Yesterday hisashi thought instant hair dye was shampoo and when he got out he was blue!" I said as I laughed so hard making her do a little laugh too. "Don't be mistaken ally the bottles look really similar" hisashi said through the kitchen. "And what did you do to take it out?" Ally said making me laugh. "I had our friends over and they suggested glue so we went out and bought glue and then they added it to his skin and blow dried it before peeling it off. It sounds dumb but it somehow worked" I said slowing down at the last part. "Mitsui-sama you could have just mixed hair conditioner and dishwashing soap to make it go away, you didn't have to buy all that glue" she stated happily.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Hisashi said as he placed food on the table outside the balcony. "You're too dumb fatty" I said sarcastically as ally giggled.

We had lunch and we talked to each other. We walked outside the house to the beach. We sat on rocks while talking about fun stuff and school. We talked about basketball. We thanked the lord for giving us rich literally rich parents. We just talked and talked while sitting on large rocks just at the shore where water could pass around the rocks when there's a wave. I love these things. You know taking your time to breathe and just expressing youself to your sibling. Shouting freely because no one could hear you. It was soothing.

After watching the beautiful sunset it started to get dark. I looked at my watch and it was already 5 which means it was time to go home. Both of us hugged ally and wished her the best before going out on the parking lot. I went to the trunk and opened it. I got the plastic and handed it to ally she looked at me confused.

" that's for you, it's the books that I already read, I just thought that you were always alone here and you only got out if you refilled the stocks. I thought maybe this can help you" you said as she smiled and cried. "This is too much mitsui-sama but thank you so much" she cried as I opened my arms and she hugged me. Her husband died and she didn't have children. The books wasn't special but she really loved it. I wish we could stay over but we had other plans.

We said our goodbyes as we left the beach house and went home. It was a thirty minute drive so we spent it on talking more. Opening up more. Then we arrived back at the house, hisashi got out and unlocked the garage before I slowly drived down and parked the audi before going out and locked it.

"You're hanging out with fukuda today right?" Hisashi said. "Yeah sorry I won't be having dinner with you today" you said sadly as he laughed. " don't worry about me I'm hanging out with the gang today and eat somewhere and go karaoke so you don't have to worry about me" he said as you sighed in relief. We both got ready. I just decided to change because my attire earlier has sea water and my shoes are in the cleaner taking off the sand.

You wore a white shirt tucked in black trousers folded up so yoj could really see your black and white jordan 1s as you cover yourself with a black windbreaker jacket you left the jacket open because we fashion. (I have short hair so this shit look cute on me) Satisfied with your looks you went out and refilled kicchou's food and water as you and hisashi got each of your own car keys and house keys before both of us went out. We went to the back as he opened the gate. I got my military camouflage matte designed audi as hisashi got his regular purple almost black Lamborghini. You didn't want that kind of car because you felt like your ass was kissing the floor. Hisashi locked the gate as both of you went to the road before turning to go to our directions.

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