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School was still the same

Lame ass school.

Time was surprisingly fast today because all I did was talk with haruko and the others and answering teachers if ever they called me.

Now it's lunchtime. We were going to the cafeteria when two girls suddenly hit us as they ran forward while screaming like shit. Another girl came running that way but I held her as haruko asked. "What's going on?" Haruko said sweetly while fujii and I held the girl. "Haven't you heard? The famous sendoh from ryonan is in the campus! They said he's at the lobby that's why I'm going there!" She said before screaming like hell. We all covered our ears as we let her go.

"Sendoh is here? Just sendoh? Weird" I said as the girls nodded in agreement. Sendoh doesn't just go to other schools, he goes here alot but with fukuda when fukuda joins you for lunch. I wonder if he's alone. But if he is then we don't have to interfere.

Just as I thought people couldn't read minds "if fukuda isn't here then we can go straight to the cafeteria." Fujii said as all of us went towards the cafeteria. To our luck the lobby was ducking filled with girls screaming like shit. This is the only way to go to the cafeteria not unless you are brave enough to jump from the rooftop and landing on the next building where the cafeteria is.

We tried pushing the girls out of the way we struggled trying our best to stay together as the crowd started shuffling us away from each other.

"Mitsui Hanami! Mitsui-sann!!" Everyone in the lobby stopped and went silent. Sendoh was still trying to call your attention. Then the crowd split in half letting enough room for you to walk closer to him. As you were walking some of the girls looked at you with jealousy. Some knew not to do anything for the love of god. It really felt like you could turn to dust before reaching sendoh because of the stares.

"Ahhh sendoh-sann" you said nervously sounding like hikoichi. "Fukuda wanted to give you this. He got lunch detention but he really wanted you to eat this. He really pushed me to come here and give this to you." He said as the girls looked at me in pure confusion. They were just too ignorant to notice that fukuda and sendoh sometimes eat with us.

"Really? Thanks!" You said excitedly as you receive the bento from sendoh. "Tell him thank you for the treat when you come back okay?" You said as he nodded. "Well I still have lunch meeting with coach taoka so see you later" he said as he turned around and started walking as you started walking towards haruko and the others but you heard him again. "By the way what are you doing on saturday?" He asked before I nodded a no. "Then let's hang out" he said as his face started to turn pink."with fukuda of course" he said quickly scratching the back of his neck. "Alright then" I said as he screamed. "Let's meet at the lemon cafe at 7:00" he said before saying his goodbyes before exiting the campus. Then all of the girls spread around going to the direction they desired.

I went back to haruko and the others as we all walked to the cafeteria having little conversations. We sat down at our usual spot whoch is in the corner where literally no one can see you. You guys liked eating there it gave you privacy.

You opened the cloth wrapped on the bento and saw a note out. "Read it out loud hanami" she said excitedly as I got the note.

"Hello mitchi! Sorry I couldn't eat with you today there was this girl who said I looked bad so I told her she was uglier and then later at class she kept bothering me and the stupid teacher misunderstood and got me lunch detention. Anyways I know I don't usually give you bentos but I was at my cousins party last night and I figured out I'd bring some home and share it with you too. I really wanted to eat it with you but you know. I hope you enjoy it. I love you so much. You can eat it all and you can keep the box. Kichan your bestfriend"you said.

"I wish I had a guy friend who treats me the way kicchou treats hanami" haruko said. "You have hanamichi" the three of us said at haruko with the dumbest face ever. Haruko's probably the most dense person ever. "it's just weird how fukuda-san is always silent but whenever he's around hanami he talks alot like alot alot" double ponytail said. "Maybe he's not comfortable with you guys" I said. "Nah She's just ugly" fujii said as we all laughed. They started opening their bentos as I folded his letter and stuffed it in my pocket.

I opened kicchou's bento to see your favorite food, it was so many because we were supposed to eat it but he got detention. You just placed the bento in the middle of the table as the girls took some. We ate and ate.

"Don't you think sendoh was a bit weird earlier?" Double ponytail girl said. We all agreed he was acting kind of strange. "He looked nervous" haruko said earning another round of nodds. I came back to eating kicchou's bento as the three of them came together and started whispering. "Hey what is it! Hey count me in!" You said as you tried to heard their conversation but they just stopped. We all sat back down me still having the confused look as they were looking at each other giggled. Seriously what did I do?

Soon you guys went back to the classroom. Me and haruko parted with them since they were in another class.

The rest of the day was really normal. You cracked up jokes with haruko and mit chan while the teacher didn't notice. We had training. We went home. Kicchou the cat still ignoring hisashi. I changed to comfortable clothes before putting kicchou's letter in a box filled with your bestfriend shit. I brushed my teeth and prepared my face. I went out and sat on my desk trying to do something since you still had a little time. I studied a bit before finally going to sleep. Kicchou entered the room and slept on the bed.

'I'm still a little curious about why sendoh was acting awfully strange earlier' I thought as I stared at the ceiling.

My thoughts were closed as I felt myself getting tired and tired as I slowly fell asleep.

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