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Author note: I'll be gone for two weeks so this will be a two chapter long chapter because guys this will be the last chapter I will upload for this week and also I'll try my best to keep updating if I have free time. Anyways warning this chapter is really cringy af so I'm really sorry. Anyways stay safe always guys! AUTHOR YEET!

-Tuesday- 1 week and 6 days before inter-high preliminaries

Bruh I am wasted. Oh no I didn't do my morning jog today again. Yesterday was too eventful to sleep in.

Third person pov.

Hanami slowly stood up from her bed, careful enough not to disturb the snoring little cat on a pillow. She went in the bathroom to do her regular morning routine.

She changed into her uniform after cleaning up kicchou the cat's potty box and refilling his food and water and then went down to see her brother already making breakfast.

"Good morning oni-chan" hanami greeted the boy who just had placed the food on the table. "Good norning to you too" the blue haired boy approached hanami to give her a head pat.

Hanami hugged her brother. "Thank you soo mucchhhh" she said as she tightened her grip on her brother. "For what?" Her dumbfounded brother asked. "For the laundry stupidd" she said pulling off the hug to give him a light smack. "I knew last night was a bit extraordinary, and I know you'll regret if you if you didn't go so I just did a little sacrifice.." hisashi said making hanami smile.

"This is why mom loves you so much" hanami said as hisashi went back to the kitchen.

"You seem wasted, had fun last night?" Hisashi asked as he placed the frying pan on the sink and took off his flower and stars apron folding it and putting it inside one of the kitchen closets.

"Yeah I did it was a first time for me to ride in a motorcycle too" hanami answed shoving her fresh warm food into her mouth, savoring the flavour making her smile.

"I might actually consider buying one in the future, dad said it's a manly figure" the boy said dragging out on the last ones.

Hanami pov.

I do remember dad pressuring hisashi on buying a motorcycle but hisashi keep saying 'a crash in a car is better than a crash on a bike' which is why he only uses a car. I wanted to have one for myself but dad said it's a boy thing which is I didn't wuite understand.

We washed the dishes before heading out of the house. I greeted Mrs. Rose, our old and kind neighbor who lives accross ours, her telling me to start eating more because I look thin. We started walking to the train station. Nothing new just the same old road we go every single day.

It's a Tuesday which means we have a quiz on math today, jeez I forgot to study yesterday.

We met up with hotta and the others at the station. We may wake up earlier but they come here earlier. Megane kun arrived too and it just feels weird because it feels like they were waiting for something to happen. Why are they staring at us? Did we do something wrong? Nahh Let's not mind.

The train ride was hella normal. It was empty and fresh. We exchanged our goodbyes as me and the boys went out of the train.

"Goodluck on the test hanami!" Hanagata said before the doors closed making the boys smile weirdly at me. Jeez just what the hell did we do wrong to deserve this?

Third person pov.

The group soon separated as they reached the stairs. The girl opened the sliding door to her classroom and carefully went in, her appearance made the whole room look at her. They all sighed in relief when they saw her wearing her regular mid thigh skirt that will not expose her ass.

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