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Sunday was just a normal day. You and hiashi went out to have lunch at your favorite cafe. We went shopping afterwards, Hisashi getting himself a new red duffle bag from adidas and I got myself some shorts too. It took longer than expected because hisashi was confused on which color he was goin to pick.

We had lots of conversations throughout the entire walk.

We got a lot of teenagers and sometimes a kid ask for our autographs or even pictures which took a while.

After shopping we ate snacks at the same lemon cafe we always go to. He shared some stories from his adventure last night with the gang as I also shared some of what happened yesterday. He teased me a bit about the same outfit with hanagata which made me sick. He also told me about how sendoh was acting weird.

I don't like hanagata do I?? Of course not, he's my senpai and basically who knows he already has a girlfriend in shoyo?? Well let's just not.

After we ate we went to a small convenience store to buy things that we need for the week. Then when the sun starts setting we eventually made it to the train to the house. It was quite embarrassing carrying a lot of shopping bags with your brother who they assume is my boyfriend or some sort.

We went home as we had dinner and the whole night we played the new video game that hisashi bought at the store earlier.

We headed to bed before our bed curfew greeting our goodbyes before we each settled in our own rooms and soon fell asleep.

Sunday's always my favorite day. You get to spend the whole day with hisashi and sometimes with your parents when they had time. My parents are both doctors they do their shifts only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and sometimes if there are a lot of patients they work for a whole week, on Tuesday, Thursday, and sometimes Saturday they work on the companies making sure it's all stable. My mom owns 2 of the largest companies in whole japan. My dad owns 3 not so large but still famous companies. They have one company which is owned by both of them. Some of the restaurants here are theirs.

I really wish they'd give more time with us rather than giving us expensive gifts as an apology. I mean it was their job so I respected them. So much.


You woke up three hours before school. You wore your purposely oversized adidas shirt and shorts long enough to get covered by the shirt and you got yourself in your yeezy's.

(I know slam dunk was made on 1993 but let me just add some modern stuff on it to make it cool)

You plugged your earphones in jogging towards the basketball court. The sun was starting to rise which made you run faster.

Then you arrived at the court. You looked at your watch and it was still early so you got the ball from the locked box and stretched before playing a round of basketball, basically jist doing freestyles.

You made a normal dunk. A reverse dunk. You had a one person alley oop. And you practiced your three point shoots. Not to be boastful or anything but you didn't miss anything. The ball just keeps going in even though you tried getting into new positions. I'm alone right now which made me really happy.

There are just times when you want to be by yourself. Think through your life. You know those shit.

Then you remembered the preliminaries for the interhigh are just 2 months away. You still had a lot of time. You weren't playing but you just have to be prepared with the boys.

Then you also remembered. You can finally see hanagata play in a serious match were you coupld clearly see his skills. I bet he's really good. I mean I'm sure he is with that height and face. Shit.

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