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-Wednesday- 1 week and 5 days before inter high preliminaries.

I woke up and stretched every single part of body as much as I can before slowly getting of the bed and into the shower. Kicchou the cat still sleeping on the bed.

It's 3 by the way so yeah I still have like lots of time to finally do my morning jog because last night I literally slept early because hisashi and my teacher told me to not study for a whole week so I decided to sleep early so that I can do my morning jog routine in which I clearly haven't done in a while.

I was lazy so I just wore a sports bra and some shorts and an open windbreaker jacket with my jordans.

I just hand carried my bottle and my mini towel because I was too lazy to bring my backpack.

I went outside and locking the door behind me before jogging to the basketball court greeting my old friendly neighbors on the way. Jeez how come they're already up on 4? Isn't that a little too early?

After jogging for a good distance and basically arriving at the basketball court I set my bottle and my mini towel on the bench before going to the secret ground box to get the ball.

I stretched and got myself ready.

Just as I was about to get started I hear a bike stop near the entrance making me look at the entrance.

"Oi Rukawa kun!" I said making him look at me expressionless as he leaned his bike on the gate and got his ball from his string bag and entered.

He pointed on my outfit before giving me a thumbs up making me laugh. Oh yeah this is actually my first time going out on a sports bra, I mean I go out but no one from shohoku or anyone would see me like this. Well maybe kicchou has seen me a few times but nahh.

"Good to see you up early in the morning" I said as he approached me and I raised my hand so he could give me a high five. He just nodded.

"What do you say we play?" I said my right hand dribbling the ball and my left hand on my waist.

He nodded jeez atleast say something. Just as we were about to play..

We heard laughing from the entrance but we didn't mind it.

I was standing face to face with rukwaw like he's literally really close as the both of us death stared at each other as if it's actually gonna let us win.

Our little staring battle got interrupted.

"Mitchan!!" Haruko chan! And hanagata senpai??!!! Wtf are they doing walking around like they own the place. Something smells fishy..

"Haruko chan! Megane kun!!" I said acting like it wasn't bothering me. As soon as haruko entered she has been staring at rukawa so it eased me up a bit but I ain't letting my guard down I'm still feeling suspicious.

I walked up next to rukawa.

"We were about to play a game, wanna join?" I said as haruko excused herself to sit and the bench where my things were.

"Of course that would be great" megane kun said about to give me a high five.

"Let's start then!" I said turning around like I didn't notice his hand. Hehhehe it came out really natural heheh.

I tried to ignore the stares hehehe maybe wearing this was actually a good idea.

I was basically back to our staring battle with rukawa but this time we were in our 'basketball ' stance and I hella don't know what hanagata is doing since it's a two vs. one and we didn't even discuss which team he's on. Good thing rukawa is keeping the flow. I'm even surprised how he already knows who rukawa is well maybe haruko said some stuff or something.

"So which team am I in?" We heard megane kun say making me look at rukawa and then smile.

"You pick" I said. Rukawa is obviously very predictable and right now I think he wants it to be us. Jeez.

"The genius has arrived!!" We all looked at the entrance to see hanamichi happily stomping his way towards us knowing haruko's aroung he'll start acting like he's actually gonna dominate the match or something.

Me and rukawa only looked at him in pure disappointment as hanagata only looked at him as if he's some normal running player or something.

"What's with the faces guys?" Hanagta said to us as hanamichi went beside him accepting his handshake.

"So you guys decide which team you'll be in!" Haruko said making all of us agree.

"You guys either pick rukawa or me" I said dribbling the ball in my right hand as my left hand rested on rukawa's shoulder.

After hearing what I said the two immediately gathered around me making me sigh.

"Mitchi pleasee, I don't wanna team up with that fox, I'm gonna lose!" Hanamichi said looking like he's supposed to cry.

"Let's be partners mitchan! We're both centers we'll hold them good" hanagata said trying to oull me in but hell no.

It was a few second later that they were literally debating on who's a better partner making me sigh.

"You know what?" I said making all of them look at me.

"Rukawa's my partner, you two won't shut up" I said going to a position I am powerful at knowing rukawa is good at adjusting.

"Atleast I'm not with that fox" hanamichi said.

Well actually the disappointment in hanagata's face was really obvious but don't worry I'll survey him later plus dropping this weird gamble.

"It's alright sakuragi, we'll be a good team! I mean they're not that bad are they?" He said but quickly taking it back after feeling the intense aura our team was giving. An aura determined to win.

"I'll be the referee!" Haruko said making me smile.

She stood up with a whistle

Wait where did she get a whistle? Nevermind.

We all went to our positions and also we were using full court so yeah this is gonna be tiring.

"Sakuragi you take the starting" hanagata said as hanamichi proudly went in the circle and rukawa too. As long as rukawa gets the jump ball this should be easy.

"The game shall start!" Haruko said as she threw the ball in the air as rukawa and sakuragi jumped.


Sorry guys for the really long wait I ean out of ideas and I've been busy and I got loads of stuff to do so yeah I hope you guys don't mind.

Anyway I'm out.

Author yeeet!!

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