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The rest of the month flew by with a lot of activities for Scarlet, after sending the notice of petition to the twenty four respondent her office line was bombarded with calls.

Some of the respondents received the notice in good faith, some apologized immediately they got it, while some picked offence and decided to file their own petition against Mr Roman, which resulted to her constant appearance in court.

Being the private or personal lawyer to the most richest man in the world at the moment was suppose to elevate Scarlet career and prestige to a whole new level, but here she was dealing with meaningless court cases that even a fresh law school graduate wouldn't take.

"Well, Well, Well, look who we have here" someone said behind Scarlett.

When she turned she came in contact with the last person she wanted to see right now, Charles, a turn in her flesh ever since law school, he was always in competition with her while in school, even though he was also a big shot like her now, he still hated her guts.

"Charles" Scarlett said.

"So the rumor's are true? You are taking cases that even a law school student wouldn't take, how the mighty has fallen" he said and took a step closer to her.

"Well I don't expect you to understand now do I? You are not the lawyer to the richest man in the world neither are you the incoming member of the A.B.A, shoes you can't fit in" Scarlett said and took a step towards him closing the gap between then.

She picked up her bag and left but made sure her shoulders brushed his on her way out, she had a reputation to protect at all cost, she was known as the lawyer that gets the job done, the lawyer that was never intimidated by how mighty or how powerful the tide was, the lawyer that has won each and every cases that she has handled and for all that to be possible, she had traded on dangerous waters, broken as many as she could, gotten her hands dirty as long as she came out victorious and that was something lawyers like Charles couldn't bit, and she involving in little futile conversations like that would be bringing herself down to his level and that would only happen over her dead body.

When she got out of the court house she inhaled the fresh evening breeze, she stood there for a moment taking in the view in front of her, even though the view was of different lawyers going in and out of the court house, it still was beautiful.

"Look who we have here" someone said behind her which made her roll her eyes, what was it with everyone today.

"Zoe" Scarlett said without turning, she knew that voice all too well.

"How am I even friends with you, the most selfish person on earth" zoe said which made Scarlett turn to face her.

Zoe was indeed a very beautiful woman, her beautiful brown skin and eyes made her the more alluring and Scarlett always knew that, but above all she had a heart of gold and she was a fortunate bastard to have her as her friend.

"I'm sorry zoe" Scarlett said.

"You didn't even call" zoe said as she tried to control the anger and resentment that was brewing in her for the past few weeks.

"I have the Same excuse and I don't want to use it, all i can say is am truly sorry zo" Scarlett said.

"Don't zo me Scarlett Amelia Finn, this is who you are, who you have always been, when will things ever be different Scarl? When?" Zoe said the frustration she felt was written all over her face.

"You sound desperate right now and that's disgusting" Scarlett said but regretted it immediately.

"Am sorry zoe, that's not what I meant...."

"That's exactly what you meant Scarlett, that how you've always been, selfish, emotionally selfish, physically selfish you are just a moving selfish train!, only Scarlett matters to Scarlett, only how you see things is important, every other person could go to hell, I have been patient with you Scarlett, but right now am done" zoe said Interrupting her.

"I know am selfish, I know zoe, but let me make it up to you, one last chance please to be a good friend to you" Scarlett said and took a step towards her, closing the space between them.

She placed a kiss on zoe's cheek and pulled her into a hug, what she was doing right now was taking advantage of her friend, it was a horrible thing to do to a loved one but she rather did this than loose the only family she's got, she knew zoe was in love with her since high school, she found out about it on their prom night when she overheard zoe confess her feelings for her best friend to someone else, she didn't know what to do with the information at that time but over time she used it to her advantage, just as she was doing now.

she knew zoe's weak point was physical touch with her, well she made that her weak point over the years without zoe even realizing it, she touched her every time she wanted something from her or needed her for something at some point she went as far as giving her an innocent kiss close to her lips, just to make sure she still had an effect and control over her friend, she was a dirty lawyer and a dirty friend but being dirty got the job done, she would rather take advantage of zoe's feelings for her than loose her, and as always she was being selfish again, this was still all about her.

At first zoe was tensed up but after a few minute Scarlett felt her body relaxing into hers, then she felt zoe's hands on her hair,

that's when she knew she had won this battle, but in other to have the power to do this again she pulled out of the hug just when zoe needed it more, if you wanted power over something you had to have control over it first.

"Let me make it up to you please" Scarlett said.

"Okay" zoe said sheepishly.

"Tomorrow night by eight I'll pick you up okay, please forgive me, but I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow by eight" Scarlett said and gave her another kiss on the cheek then left with a victorious smile plastered on her face.

"What was that?" Someone said behind zoe startling her.

"You scared me Amanda" zoe said and rolled her eyes.

"Why do you keep doing this to yourself zoe, you keep letting Scarlett use you" Amanda said.

Just like how zoe was to Scarlett, that was how Amanda was to zoe the difference was that zoe uses Amanda to satisfy her sexual frustration for Scarlett, whenever she couldn't take it anymore she vented her sexual frustration on Amanda because she knew Amanda was loyal to her the way she was to Scarlett, it was just a circle of unrequited love.

"Shut up, never speak of her like that again, never "zoe said.

"Why can't you love me? Why can't you give this a chance? Why do you keep letting that woman use you?" Amanda said frustrated.

"You are not Scarlett, and I'll rather let her use me than love you, and this should be the last time you eavesdrop on our conversation, be at my place by nine, wear something sexy" zoe said then kissed Amanda mercilessly and left.

This circle of unrequited love was going to burn one of them one day, that's for sure.



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