Chapter 6

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I tapped my pencil on the desk. I was more nervous waiting for Cody to arrive for our second session than our first. Maybe he would recognize me at the party and tell them not to let me in.

She's some girl who tutors me in algebra. She doesn't belong here.

He didn't seem like that kind of guy but I've never talked to him around his friends. The other possibility, which made the tapping of the pencil increase, was he'd see me in his house and look right through me - completely ignore me, like we'd never met. That scenario scared me more because it was the most likely one.

I set up my notebook, laid out my textbook, and wiped my hands across my shorts. There were only two other people in the library, not including Ms. Fletcher. A freshman walking up and down the aisles looking for nothing in particular from what I could tell. I assumed he missed his bus and was waiting for a parent or neighbor to pick him up. The other was Debra Dawson, a senior who was aiming for Valedictorian. No one, save for a few outliers, hung out in the library on a Friday after school, but that small group was growing and it now included me and Cody Morris. My hope was that this rare event would lead to something even more unlikely, time with Ben Avery.

The door opened and a piece of me hoped it wasn't Cody. My stomach was in knots imagining myself getting kicked out of his party. If that happened, I'd be too embarrassed to continue our tutor sessions. The fluorescent light filled the doorway and I recognized his outline. He was on time today.

He plopped down in the chair across from me and his books crashed onto the table. His breathing was heavy and sweat ran down his forehead.

"I made it on time today," he said between gulps of air. Cody checked the clock on the wall. "Barely, but it counts."

I opened my mouth to respond but he took another gulp of air. "I almost didn't. I was in the back of Ben's Jeep when I remembered the tutoring thing. I begged him to turn around and drop me off. Thankfully he's a bro."

I held back a little smile. His name on other people's lips was enough. "He sounds like a good friend."

"The best."

I wanted him to keep talking, to tell me something about Ben, anything that a casual observer wouldn't already know.

He opened up his textbook. "So, should we get started?"

I slouched in my chair. "Let's open chapter five, Linear Equations."

An hour and a half later I could see that Cody was understanding the concepts and each solved equation made him shine a little brighter. The boy was smart. He just never needed to use those smarts until now.

Ms. Fletcher cleared her throat then tapped on her non-existent watch to let me know that the study session was over.

Even the librarian doesn't want to hang in the library on a Friday night.

"Ms. Fletcher is telling me that it's time to wrap up."

He turned to see Ms. Fletcher snap her fingers to share the same message with Debra.

"This was a really good session. It's clear you're starting to understand algebra." I cringed immediately as the words came out, worried my words hurt rather than helped.

Was that condescending?

"Thanks. I think your teaching style is really helping me." He zipped his backpack. "Can I ask you a question? Well, it's more of a statement."

I nodded having no idea what to expect.

"I feel a little dumb having a sophomore tutor me. I was a little upset when I found out since I expected that it would be a senior or something. I almost didn't come the first time but Coach Hall insisted that it would be good for me. And he was right."

"Thanks. That's really nice to hear." I was beaming inside.

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you at the game," he said. "You know, if you go to those types of things."

"I'll be there."

"Cool." He threw his backpack over his shoulder and turned away.

I checked my watch. Ten til four.

I'm late! I want to shower and leave for Lily's before mom gets home from work.

"Hey Jenny!" Cody yelled from the open doorway. "I'm throwing a party tonight. You can come if you want and bring your girlfriends. 1512 Oak Hill Lane."

Before I could answer, he was gone. I was so excited that if I was alone in that library, I would have done cartwheels. I was invited, personally, by Cody. No one was going to make me stand outside or shut the door in my face. I was in and nothing was going to keep me out.

The run home felt so easy. I was racing the clock against my mom walking through the door but I wanted to be clean and smell amazing for tonight. I heard the garage door open as I stepped out of the shower.

"Damn!" I said to the foggy mirror.

I threw my towel around me and stuffed a third skirt that I had mentally added during my run home into my overnight bag. The bag was packed the night before but I decided one more option was needed. I zipped up the bag.

"What are you doing?" my mom asked from behind.

"Just getting ready to go to Lily's house."

"You showered?"

I turned around but used my body to block her view of my overly bloated bag. "Yeah, we're going to the game tonight so I figured I'd freshen up. No biggie."

"I thought you guys were staying at Nicole's tonight."

I swallowed hard. This would be my first lie. "We are but we're getting ready at Lily's since she's driving us to the game tonight so..." I kept my eyes down.

"Are her parents going too? I haven't seen them in a few weeks. Maybe we could all go together."

"No!" The word come out much stronger than I intended. "I just mean...Lily is driving us and this will be the first time that we can go as a group by ourselves and not show up on our bikes or with our parents."

"You girls don't want your dorky parents there, is that what you're saying?" she teased.

"Yeah, kind of but it's nothing personal. It's just high school. I'm sure you remember how it was."

"Uh huh. Fine, I won't go. Far be it for me to embarrass my little girl by my mere presence." She checked her hair in my vanity mirror.

"Thanks mom'. I gave her a big hug. "And I'm not embarrassed. I just don't want you there."

She kissed the top of my head. "Somehow that doesn't feel much better though I know you mean well."

I packed my pink and aqua caboodle with every piece of makeup and nail polish I had scattered atop my vanity. It wasn't much...a few nail polishes, a mascara, blush and some lip glosses handed down to me by my mom.

She noticed the discrepancy from my normal packing. "You're going all fancy tonight, huh?"

"Just trying to look my best."

"You can go through my makeup if you need more."

"Thanks, but I think Lily has some that might be a little more in fashion."

She laughed. "I didn't know I wasn't hip anymore but I suppose that's one of the few benefits of getting older. You stop caring about those things." She stood in the doorway. "I'll let you get dressed. You girls have fun tonight", then closed the door behind her.

"But don't do anything stupid!" I heard her yell from the other side.

Stupid was not on the agenda for tonight. But anything was a possibility.

Crushes Over Papercuts- A Mid 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now