Chapter 25

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We pulled up to the chain-linked fence and parked in the grass. Through the fence, off in the distance, large planes lined the illuminated tarmac.

Ben turned off the engine. "Have you been here before?"

I wondered if there was any implication in those words.

Had a guy ever brought me here before?

"No, never."

It was my turn to ask. "Do you come here often?"

He nodded. "Sometimes."

I knew this place only by reputation. It was popular with teenagers and plane enthusiasts alike, but for very different reasons. The park was located off a side street outside of the major airport where revelers could feel both safe and alone to do as they please, which usually meant watching planes take off or settling into the backseat without prying eyes.

The sun set and dusk had taken its place, painting the sky a deep purple with ribbons of orange.

"Do you see that plane? The second in line with the red tail?" he asked.

He raised his arm to point at the plane and it brushed against me. His touch made my skin tingle even if it was only by accident. I searched for the object of his attention until I found the plane.

"That's a Boeing 747."

"You can tell what kind of plane it is from here?" I asked.

"It's the most popular plane in the world," he smiled and I momentarily forgot what we were talking about.

"Are planes a hobby of yours?"

"I want to be a pilot and plan on joining the Air Force after I graduate."

It felt like someone squeezed hard on my heart when I thought about Ben being far away but I pushed it aside to be with him now.

"And the one with the blue stripe?" I asked.

"That's an Airbus – "

"Ben, someone's walking towards us," I interrupted. "Are we allowed to be here?"

An older man in jean shorts and a red t-shirt walked with a purpose towards the Jeep. No other cars were around so I knew he was aiming for us.

"Ben!" the guy called out when he got closer.

"Peter! How's it going?"

They shook hands through the open window.

"I haven't seen you in a few weeks –," the man stopped and curved his neck around Ben. "Oh, I'm sorry miss. I didn't see you sitting there."

He turned back to Ben. "I didn't mean to intrude. I don't think I've ever seen you out here with someone so I didn't give it a thought."

"Tonight's a first," Ben told him.

Peter winked at me. "You must be a special lady, then."

Ben introduced us. "Peter, this is Jenny."

Peter held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, young lady."

"You too," I said but I was still hung up on the words special lady.

Was I special to Ben since he brought me here?

"First time out here?" Peter asked.

"Yes," I answered. "This is all new to me."

"You're going to love it. No one is ever the same after their first time."

Crushes Over Papercuts- A Mid 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now