Chapter 38

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Nicole handed me her notes from yesterday's brainstorming session when the four of us were all in Lily's car. "We put the confession to the side and focused on the letters. If we can find proof that she sent them than it would help prove that you were framed."

I read the purple ink on the pages and Nicole's scribbles on the edges. "Even if we could prove she wrote the letters couldn't she say she was doing the school a favor and wanted to stay anonymous?"

"Maybe." Lauren shrugged her shoulders. "But now that we know she wrote a similar letter to Kimberly's parents it may help our case."

"Did Tiff have any luck finding Kimberly in the phone book?"

"No, not yet," Nicole said. "But she's working it and I'm sure she'll find her."

I stared out the window as we pulled into school. Courtney's brown sedan was parked in the Junior lot. "I'm going to confront Courtney after school today before she starts cheer leading practice. I don't know how long it'll take so I'll walk home today so you guys don't have to wait for me."

"So soon?" Lauren asked. "Maybe we should have more proof or at least let her think we have proof to force her hand."

"I know a confession is unrealistic but it's the best option I've got right now and I doubt whatever I say could make things any worse." I forced a smile. "And who knows maybe this can all be resolved by the end of the day?"

Lily turned off the engine then turned around and faced me. "What? Like you two kiss and make up, hug, then walk hand in hand to the Principal's office where she tells him she made the whole thing up?"

My throat tightened. "This whole thing is a big weight around my neck. It's consuming my life and if talking with Courtney gives me even a one percent chance of burying this thing and moving on then I'm going to try."

Her voice softened. "Look, I'm not trying to discourage you but I don't want you to get your hopes up. She's not like us...Courtney only cares about Courtney."

"I know you're right and being realistic, but a confession from her will make this all go away."

Lily put her hand out. "Okay then...Snoop Crew for the win."

We placed our hands on hers. "Snoop Crew."

Nicole smiled. "Don't tell Tiff we did that without her. She'll get jealous."

Before the four of us split up for first period I handed a folded-up piece of paper to Lily. "Can you get this to Ben?"

"What am I the postal service?" Lily pulled me in for a hug and whispered "We'll get through this" then took the note.


I shook out my hands as if I could somehow rid myself of the nerves prickling under my skin. Knowing I was about to confront Courtney made it feel like my stomach had dropped to my knees.

I paced the concrete path outside the locker room after seventh period. Some of the other athletes had already gone through the locker doors, including some of my track teammates, and if it had been a normal day, I'd be in there with them changing for practice. Instead, I was waiting to confront a frenemy, turned enemy. It pissed me off to be sidelined but I pushed the anger aside. It wouldn't help me with Courtney. I checked my watch. Less than three minutes to go.

The sun reflected off her shiny, blonde hair.

"Courtney, can I talk to you?" I sputtered out before I realized I had approached her.

She looked me up then down. "I don't think I should be talking to you. Wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea."

"Courtney, they're going to suspend and possibly expel me if you don't tell them the truth."

"What truth?" she smirked. "All I know is that they found drugs in your locker."

"Please Courtney," I clasped my hands together. "There are real consequences to what you've done. This isn't a game. If you confess, I'll tell them not to punish you. We can tell them it was all a bad joke or won't get in trouble."

She put her face close to mine which forced me to take a step back. "You must be stupider than I thought."

"Are you really willing to ruin my life because you didn't get what you wanted?"

"Actions have consequences, Jenny," she said in an almost sing-song voice. "The Principal already interviewed me and I told him the truth. Like how you take drugs at parties and got involved with Mark who probably taught you everything he knew." She tilted her head to the side. "I wonder, does Mark get a cut of your new business?" She pretended to ponder her question before her icy stare focused on me again. "I can't believe how far the once sweet and innocent Jenny has fallen. Your mom must be crushed."

My body tensed up and the muscles in my arms spasmed. "All this because Ben chose me?"

A coldness flashed in her eyes. "Ben will forget all about you when you're shipped off to some other school. I'm sure of it."

She turned her back on me and walked away.

"I'm not Kimberly!" I cried out. "I know about the letter you sent to her parents! The truth will come out!"

It was a bluff but it was the only card I had left to play.

Courtney spun around and her face was not one I recognized. "Don't mess with me, Jenny. Things will only get worse for you."

She stepped through the locker room doors and my hopes of this ordeal ending died.

I walked to the back of the school in a daze. My body was shaking and I couldn't hear anything around me over the throbbing of my heart beating against my skull. Thankfully most everyone had cleared out because I was barely holding it together. I wanted to run out of there, far away where my problems didn't exist. Be anywhere else.

I had done those things Courtney told the Principal. I had lied to my mom, taken another girl's man, and now I've dragged my friends into my mess. My actions did have consequences but I didn't expect things to get as bad as they were.

Did I deserve this?

A horn beeped in the distance waking me from my pity party. Parked in its usual spot in the lot was Lily's car surrounded by the girls.

They waited for me.

I increased me pace until I was sprinting towards them. My chest tightened and the lump in my throat made it hard for me to breath until I couldn't hold back any longer. The dam of tears burst free and they wrapped me in a hug. No one had to ask how it went. They knew. 

Crushes Over Papercuts- A Mid 90s TaleWhere stories live. Discover now