Chapter 3: Not the Only One (Updated)

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I am consumed by guilt that poisons me and corrupts my heart stabbed with darkness. This hatred towards my own self intensifies and torments my thoughts swirling in an unstoppable tornado. However, I don't have the luxury of self-pity in inaction or sinking under this ocean which takes me into its abyss. I have to pull myself out of the water, keep my cool and give the alarm as soon as possible.

Once I've recovered from my emotions, I rushed to Lady Tsunade's office to share the dark events. In detail, despite my excruciatingly tight throat, I explained my fight with the shinobi who mysteriously committed suicide and that of this strange nightmarish demon-like entity, which my neck still bears the marks of its assault on my sore and scratched trachea. Inevitably, I end with the kidnapping of Naruto by this individual dressed in black with orange eyes; even if he blended into the darkness to become invisible, his semi-covered face was forever inked in my mind.

Despite the terrible news capable of sowing panic, especially those about Naruto, Godaime remains calm and processes the information. As for Shizune, the faithful assistant of the Hokage, she's bitten with worry; the features of her face has turned gloomy. Moreover, she's the first one to break this oppressive silence. "Could this be an Akatsuki-orchestrated attack?"

"I don't think so," I retort. "Their forehead protectors are unknown to us, but they're not scratched. Even though they work in pairs, they don't sport the Akatsuki outfit either. At that, the shinobi I fought didn't have the level and he committed suicide using a drug for some obscure reason, and only after a few kunai exchanges."

I see in mind my brief combat with the first man that somewhat made me uneasy. His behaviour wasn't normal and I am convinced that he was under the influence of a mind spell. The possibility that he acted against his will isn't to be excluded...

"This shinobi seemed completely bewitched to me, probably by genjutsu," I continue, explaining my thoughts. "His eyes were blank and he didn't react at all when I badly injured him. I'm afraid he was used as bait to stop me from reaching Naruto."

Another deadly silence rocks the room. These speculations alarm Lady Tsunade and Shizune who look at each other.

"If what you say is true, such measures are concerning," Godaime notes, clicking her tongue in her mouth. "That, and this "thing" capable of absorbing chakra and which, moreover, has put you in such a state."

"I've never seen anything like that. I'm still suffering from the repercussions of the screech it made before vanishing into oblivion," I add, putting a hand to my ear not covered by my headband. "I don't hear very well ever since..."

"I see. Even your ninken couldn't find their trace?" she asks, frowning.

I shake my head as the Hokage bites her thumb.

"It's worrying," she whispers. "With Naruto's abduction vanishing into the wild, the most urgent thing remains to find out how they got into the village undetected..."

I'm about to speak when the office door is jerked open, cutting me off in my verbal momentum.

"Lord Hokage!!" two male voices cry.

As I turn around, I recognize Shikaku of the Nara clan with his son, Shikamaru, hurrying to my side. Obviously, something serious happened. The two shinobis are panting and their clothes are covered with dust and dirt, implying that they have fought. I am hit with a very bad feeling. Is it possible that they encountered other enemies belonging to the same group?

"What is going on?" wonders Godaime in her strong, clear voice.

"We were attacked by a duo of shinobi from an unknown village," Shikaku replies between two breaths. "Their target was Shikamaru."

His answer sadly confirms my doubts. There are several of them... However, Naruto isn't the only objective as I thought at first. It's not by his title of Jinchūriki that he was targeted. Taking into account the very different profile on far too many aspects of Naruto and Shikamaru, it just doesn't add up. I don't know what their goals might be...

I am not the only one to have these questions in mind; to translate the features of her face, Lady Tsunade visibly shares reflections similar to mine.

"What happened?" she asks, frowning.

"After our game of shōgi, I went out to smoke," Shikamaru explains in a paradox of calm and panic. "I let my guard down and that's when a guy appeared out of nowhere. If Dad had intervened a second too late, I would've been stabbed with needles."

Saying so, the teenager cautiously takes out of his pockets some long needles carefully rolled up in a piece of fabric. The material used to make them is a disturbing black; it must make them invisible in the dark.

"They're coated in poison," he warns.

'That's why Naruto was unconscious,' I realize in dread.

"When Shikamaru was away, I sensed the presence of a nefarious chakra and went to investigate," Shikaku begins. "I ran into a pretty weak shinobi. I immobilized him with the Kagemane no Jutsu and I realized that he was there only to separate me from Shikamaru. Around the same time, I noticed this similar feeling very close to him."

Godaime, Shizune and I exchange a look.

"Unfortunately, he has vanished as mysteriously as he appeared. When we looked for the other man, he was dead and blood was flowing from all his orifices. After inspection, we found a piece of parchment on which the portrait of my son was drawn," he ends.

The air becomes heavy and poisonous. There can be no doubt. Same operating modules. These two attacks are orchestrated by the same group. Unfortunately, it's very likely that there are other targets and therefore, other victims at this precise moment. No. I am certain of that. Our time is running out...

It's only now that the youngster notices my presence; he must suspect that I am the bearer of similar news.

"Kakashi-sensei, you there. That would mean that..."

"Kakashi just reported the same situation as you two," Lady Tsunade cuts off sharply before landing her stern gaze on her assistant. "Shizune! Give the alarm! May the shinobis mobilize throughout Konohagakure!"

"Understood!" she replies, hurrying out of the office.

The Hokage returns her attention to the teenager.

"Shikamaru. Since you're one of their targets, you'll be put under the protection of the Anbu."

"Eh-oh! What's going on?!" exclaims the youngster. "Kakashi-sensei, what happened?!"

An oppressive silence is king of the place.

The father and son are waiting for an answer from me. Mechanically, I sustain their gaze ... until shame forces me to pin it to the ground, unable to face them. My heart hurts in my chest and burns me, as if acid were poured on it; an ephemeral urge to snatch it out crosses my mind. Unnecessarily, I recall this scene which reminds me of the extent of my pitiful weakness. Alas, I resolve to share the terrible news...

"Naruto was just abducted by the same group."

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