Chapter 65: Nostalgic Reunion

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Naruto did not show it, but an uncomfortable lump in his chest grew as he walked away and followed Shikamaru. Kakashi had invited him to leave the nest at nightfall. It was one of the things he dreamed of ever since Kakashi became his world. He hated the blinding light of the day that pushed him to sleep ... However, for Kakashi, he did not hesitate to follow him. No matter where Kakashi wanted to take him, he would follow the pace of Kakashi's steps. Kakashi's presence hunted down his daytime terrors, which tormented him mercilessly.

He trusted Kakashi, and as Kakashi trusted Shikamaru, Naruto trusted Shikamaru.

I trust you, Naruto. We'll see each other again soon.

These words resonated like a pleasant echo in his ears; a melody that Naruto played on a loop in his head when his fears tried to enslave him. Kakashi's words kept them from intruding into his unstable mind. He clung to the nighttime walk promised by the precious human in the apple of his eyes and their imminent reunion. He intended to make Kakashi proud of him, to prove to Kakashi that Kakashi could trust him. Very soon, he would be rewarded with what he had always dreamed of. Discovering everything alongside Kakashi while enjoying a moon bath.

Naruto took a deep breath to give himself courage.

"You don't have to worry, Naruto," Shikamaru reassured him. "You've seen them all at least once ... well, most of them. Two of them will be new to you."

The blond listened to him, then arched an eyebrow. Shikamaru's words implied that there would have several of them. Naruto was not very enthusiastic about meeting other humans, especially if there were so many of them... Nonetheless, determined to please Kakashi, to make Kakashi proud, he decided to give them a chance despite the apprehension that swarmed under his skin.

"It's gonna be fine, relax. You just have to stay with me if you're anxious. No one will do you the slightest harm. I promise you, Naruto."

Naruto let out a long sigh as he looked away, drawing a sigh from the other teenager. Shikamaru could not translate the feral boy's body language. According to Kakashi, Naruto had a tendency to contradict himself, without it being logical; a real paradox conforming to the reports about him. His tail was the most effective way to interpret his emotions. However, Shikamaru looked at it from all angles, but he had no idea what he should understand. He wondered how Kakashi managed it so easily. Shikamaru crossed his fingers that everything went smoothly.

A few minutes later, he finally saw the building, in front of which they were to meet. He noticed the group talking at the entrance to the public baths. Haruno Sakura, Akimichi Chōji, Yamanaka Ino, Aburame Shino and Hyūga Hinata were here. However, Inuzuka Kiba was missing.

Shikamaru frowned and called out to the others while waving his hand. They turned their heads and greeted him and Naruto. As for Naruto, he preferred to stay behind his only available source of comfort; he was already missing Kakashi, especially right now. In order to hide his fears, he kept a neutral expression while suppressing his emotions... However, he could not help but raise a few hairs in response to the stress.

"Anyone know where's Kiba?" Shikamaru asked.

"He's on his way. He had to do something before joining us," Shino replied. Like the others, he observed Naruto with curiosity.

"That'll give me time to finish my snack," Chōji added between two mouthfuls of chips.

On guard, Naruto carefully analyzed each human; their appearance, their smell, their chakra ... nothing escaped his piercing gaze and sharp nostrils. As Shikamaru had promised him, he did not feel any harmful waves. Humans hated him, despised him. The blond understood that very well.

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