Chapter 10: Approaching the Beast (Updated)

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As agreed, I'm going where Naruto is. They explained to me that the system of the entrance gate to the jail uses an electric circuit for opening and closing; "as a precaution," I was told. Unless the teenager has developed skills for lock picking in the meantime, I find the measures somewhat drastic. I am nonetheless impressed by recent technological advances.

A mechanical and loud sound resounds. This is the signal that I can venture into the hallway leading to the cell. As Morpheus's arms endlessly try to bring me back to their realm, I take a deep breath. I'm so anxious that the tremors have reached my hands. I experience discomfort in my narrow chest that compresses my lungs. I am close to him now; only a few steps to take. If Naruto doesn't chase me away with his flames, I'll only have one chance, I know that too well. Every move I make must be carefully calculated once inside. I must also not make any mistake which it will be impossible to repair.

In the silence and the darkness lit by a vulgar bulb offering only a useless subdued light, I enter the lair of the beast.

I am greeted with a stifling heat that hastens to caress my skin. The air is heavy, like a summer day laden with humidity where the storm is on the horizon; breathing becomes a painful task. My sensitive nostrils are immediately overwhelmed by a repulsive and rotten odour which tears me a cough and gastric lifts. In this unspeakable mixture, I detect a nauseous scent of sulphur that drowns the place with its toxic aromas. There's something else to this impossible-to-define concoction. I've never smelled anything like it in my entire life. Other than a stinking wild scent of dirty hair paired with that of spoiled meat, I have no idea what it is and I am choking on the latter.

Unable to go back, I resolve to take a few moments to get used to it ... in vain. Without my mask to filter out a lot of the smells, I'd have passed out so much it is intense, especially so suddenly. No one has seen fit to warn me... Yet, they are well aware that my sense of smell is sharp and that I am very sensitive to it, to the point of using only soap and shampoo devoid of any scents...

Without warning, a hiss coming straight from hell rips the silence, making the hairs on my arms and neck stand on end.

This sound, this voice. It's him. It's Naruto.

He lets me know that I'm not welcome.

I expected this, but it breaks my heart.

I shake my head to pull myself together. I refuse to let this strange fear crawl under my skin and this putrid smell stop me.

With a cautious step, I approach while scrutinizing and analyzing my surroundings. A stone wall on my left and the prison on my right. The bed is against the wall to the left, far and opposite to the entrance of the cage. The prison bars have an anomaly within it. Close to the floor, there is a space large enough to slide in a tray of food. Moreover, on the other side, there's a tray on which rests a glass of water and a ramen from Ichiraku; no smoke emerges, indicating that it has been there for a while. I deduce that it's lukewarm, probably cold.

In front of this prison, I am pierced from one side to another by the feral gaze of my student. I squat on all fours and I see them, in absolute darkness under this bed. I see those azure-blue eyes, twinkling like a thousand lights, watching me and staring at me apprehensively. Many cold sweats moisten my back; my pulse quickens and I swallow.

Everything will be decided when I enter his "den." If he allows me in, there's hope. Otherwise...

In any case, I have no right to fail.

To appear harmless to his wary eyes, I make myself very small and move slowly. Gently, I push the door; I suppress a start and I stop when it creaks in an inorganic cry. I study the reaction of my pupil. I don't perceive waves of aggression. This odious noise does nothing to help the situation—on the contrary, it must aggravate it; who was in charge of making this thing?!

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