Chapter 60: The Demon Charmer

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TW: Eating Disorders

I'm abruptly torn from my sleep when my stomach rumbles like a storm and pain stabs my insides. I'm too hot and sweaty. As I open my eye, I see that the blanket is no longer on the bed. Looking at the blond next to me, the heat is affecting him too, since his forehead is wet. Instead of sticking to me like an annoying leech, he keeps his distance; he doesn't even touch me, and his tail lies on the ground.

The proximity of our two bodies accentuated this stifling heat that rocks Konohagakure. When I push back my curtains, the weather is cloudy and rather grey, although the light attacks my retina. I half open the window; the air is heavy and unpleasantly humid. I wouldn't be surprised if the sky burst today...

I let out a long sigh.

Destiny is against me.

I have to go out today...

It's nine o'clock in the morning. It's a little late, but I'll have to live with it...

Without warning, my stomach twists my internal organs in all directions; the pain makes me groan silently. I'm craving and starving. I'd eat anything. I hate sweet, but I'd eat a cake so much so the hunger is tearing me in two.

Without wasting time, I jump out of bed and head to the kitchen. From then on, I gobble up everything I find, including my meal from the day before, which I devour in seconds, right in the fridge. I'm by nature meticulous and careful with my food, but I'm eating with my hands like a true savage who has fasted too long.

Very quickly, I stop. I turn green and put a hand to my mouth to refrain myself from vomiting. With disgust, I swallow when a stomach surge burns my esophagus and stings my tongue. To my misfortune, the nauseating hiccups continue. I fight the urge to spit it all out.

I don't have the luxury of regurgitating what little I manage to eat; my body is getting thinner at an alarming rate.

I breathe in slowly and deeply. I prevent as best I can these involuntary movements, which attack my body pounded by a battering ram. In the meantime, I hear Naruto walking to me; a veil of worry covers his anxious face. My physical discomfort woke him from his slumber. He's alert to his environment, to me, even if he's sound asleep.

"You don't have to ... to worry, Naruto," I stammer, my hand pressed to my lips as I suppress another stomach surge. "Get ready while ... while I take my shower..."

Naruto frowns before placing his palm on my forehead. His already furrowed eyebrows only became more so.

"Stop worrying. I'm fine..."

The sapphire-eyed boy utters a noise, unconvinced. He stares at me and stands there, looking at me. His black tail beats anxiously. He thinks I will collapse at any moment... I don't have the energy to argue with my student.

I'm patiently waiting for the crisis to pass...

It takes a while, but I no longer have to fight my own body. Naruto calms down when I feel better and he rushes to offer me a hug, which I return by ruffling his golden hair. I tell him to get ready and not to go back to bed while I shower.

Underwater, infernal gurgling noises in my abdomen make me grind my teeth. I gaze a little too often at the toilet that invites me to a ball of disastrous vomiting. I don't know what's going on with me. These bulimic behaviours are particularly worrying and invasive.

Apart from periods of fleeting fasts, I've never suffered from an eating disorder. I'm aware that it's a serious problem; I'm losing weight too quickly. Yet my throat tightens if I try to talk about it. Useless shame assails me if I open my mouth, sealing my vocal cords forever. My pride and my very reserved nature make me as silent as Naruto...

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