Chapter 89: Among the Predators

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TW: Eating Disorder

Anxiously, I wait for the nurse's return, twirling my thumbs together. I try to think of a credible excuse, but my brain goes on strike. Despite the sharp pain in my bleeding and swollen tongue, I can't help but caress those fangs in my mouth, as if to convince myself again and again that they are indeed real; a useless hope that they disappear, that I wake up from this nightmare...

Alas, I am awake and sadly lucid.

"Kakashi-Sensei?" I look up and recognize Sakura. I'm so anxious that I didn't hear her at all or feel her approaching me. According to her pout, she's concerned. Subtly, I position my hands on my sheets, covering my right with my left in a natural posture.

"Are you doing okay? They told me that you were ... weird," she asks darkly. "They heard a dull noise. Did something happen?"

I hold my breath; I have cold sweats. I do my best to remain calm so as not to betray myself. With this damn craving, I had some unusual behaviours. Otherwise, she wouldn't ask me. Of course, the shattering of the mirror was heard. Luckily, this mute Naruto can't open his mouth and blurt everything out like a happy fool. The good old Naruto wouldn't have been able to keep silent.

I let out a nervous laugh. "You don't have to worry, Sakura," I struggle to say because of my injured tongue. "I'm a little tired, and this whole thing has been worrying me a lot these last few days." She stares at me. It's not a good sign. With this swelling, my words are impaired. "Regarding the noise," I add immediately so as not to give her time to question me. "Naruto lost his footing and hit his head on the mirror. He isn't injured, fortunately."

My words are immediate. Naruto suddenly turns his head to glare at me, his eyebrows horribly furrowed. He's angry and about to growl. He doesn't like it when I blame him.

'Can you be even more obvious than that that I'm lying?!' I grumble, glaring at Naruto.

An uncomfortable silence reigns supreme.

"I see... Do you need anything?" she questions me suspiciously as she picks up my tray. She doesn't believe me. She tries to probe me with her piercing emerald eyes.

Thanks to Naruto and his non-existent subtlety...

"I'm doing fine. I'm gonna rest," I say with a smile as if nothing had happened.

"Someone will come by later to clean up the ... mess," Sakura adds dryly, putting emphasis on her last word, indirectly confronting me about my obvious lie.

Discreetly, I replace my right hand to hide my wounds before waving goodbye. Without even greeting me, Sakura gives me a dirty look and leaves my room. I can breathe again ... sort of. I sincerely fear that this anxiety-provoking discussion will have consequences... I can only cross my fingers and hope that someone won't tell me that I'm being moved to an observation room, because I'd supposedly be losing my mind...

The sapphire-eyed boy lets out a long, aggressive complaint. He's mad and crosses his arms roughly. His eyes shine in the darkness, and a few hairs stand up.

"What?! Stop looking at me like that! I wasn't gonna tell her the truth!"

My words make Naruto pout even more, swinging his tail from side to side.

"I'm sorry, okay?!" I shout, waving my arms uselessly. "But there are no other solutions! They mustn't know what happened! No one! We're gonna be in trouble if anyone finds out! Are you able to understand that?! Or is it too difficult for your little brainless head to understand?! She would've believed me if you had just stayed quietly in the corner without saying a—"

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