Chapter 36: I Promised You, Naruto

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TW: Self-Harm

Naruto left my back once outside. Of course, I had to stop him from glancing behind him so as not to let fear devour him like a destructive demon. As usual, the sapphire-eyed boy clung tightly to me. Fortunately, I noticed that he's less and less nervous, almost forgetting the presence of others; I cracked a smile of relief. Except his tail incapable to stay put, we get home safely.

Twilight is still far from pointing the tip of its nose and since I intend to break the cycle of sleep deeply anchored in his body, I will have to keep him awake until the night rocks all Konohagakure with its darkness... The task proves difficult as he starts yawning once inside; his heavy eyelids try to close, not to mention that he nods incessantly. Being in a familiar place where the teenager feels safe must make him release the pressure ... but that doesn't help my plans at all.

Naruto hurries to get rid of the dark cape and his sandals before going to my room to sleep. I hold him back by grabbing his arm, preventing him from continuing on his way. He turns around and observes me with confusion; even his expressive tail lacks spirit and seems half asleep to me.

"I know what you're gonna do and it's no," I say sternly.

The blond frowns before making useless reels with his ebony tail. He tries to slip his hand out of mine and in response, I tighten my grip. At arm's length, I force him to approach me in order to catch his other arm. I don't like to be abrupt, but I have to be firm with him to have any chance of breaking his nocturnal rhythm. Also, he mustn't start believing that he can do whatever he wants and override my authority given that I gave in to his latest whim.

"I said no, Naruto," I dryly repeat as he tries to free himself from my grasp.

Luckily, his fatigue helps me keep the upper hand on him.

"You'll go to bed when I decide. My words are law and you'll have to follow them whether you like it or not. Got it?"

Saying so, I pull him up at arm's length, forcing him to balance on the tips of his toes. In doing so, I drastically reduce his field of action and therefore his strength to resist me. I notice Naruto's tail trying to wrap around my wrists. The disgruntled boy's numb spirit makes his every move weary, and thus allowing me to easily grab his tail by releasing one of his arms. He gasps in surprise. Not giving him time to react, I let go of his other arm to take the prehensile limb with both hands, tightening my grip. When I exert pressure by pulling, Naruto lets out a small inaudible moan before getting on all fours and coming to a complete stop, shaking, his head hanging down.

I therefore confirm one of my suspicions.

His too sensitive tail is a weak point. I don't know how he would react in a real fight if it were to be grabbed. In a way, I'm hoping I'm wrong, wishing this scheme only works with me. Otherwise, it makes him too vulnerable. Of course, I can't be sure, but for now, that works in my favour. I have to be careful; this kind of thing is a means of last resort since he might start to fear me ... or worse that he interprets my actions as lustful advances like the other day...

After a time that I deem acceptable, I release him. I then squat down to get to Naruto's level. The jolts leave him fairly quickly, and he raises his head to look at me for a breath before avoiding me. His overheated cheekbones betray his obvious embarrassment. To my misfortune, I note with horror that he reacts similarly to the last time and that touching his tail has bothered him more than anything else. I sincerely hope that this doesn't awaken cravings in him and that these cravings come to include me in the equation.

Catching his tail is effective...

But the risk isn't worth it.

Especially if it excites him more than anything else.

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