Chapter 34: I Regret, Kakashi

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Naruto hated being here, honestly. The walls were steeped in years of suffering; the smell of blood and death never left his too sensitive nostrils. Every distant noise made him clasp his hands over his ears and close his eyes violently. Moreover, the blond held his breath when he heard footsteps approaching; he was afraid that someone would come in, instruments of nightmares in hand. When the anguish was too great, Naruto grabbed Kakashi's hand which he squeezed and put against his face. The teenager wanted Kakashi to open his eyes, for Kakashi to hug him and he wanted to wake up Kakashi by screaming his name ... but he forbade himself. Squatting at his bedside, his daytime terrors deigned to disappear when the day gave way to the night.

The sapphire-eyed boy had noticed that the surrounding movements were gradually fading with the advance of the black sky, calming the frantic race of his bruised heart. Kakashi's snores had given way to quiet, steady breathing. Seeing Kakashi so tranquil, sleeping peacefully, Naruto could only smile.

Observing Kakashi like this chased away the stinky scents from his nose, leaving only the aromas of Kakashi to invade him and occupy his sensitive nostrils. Since Kakashi always sleeps without his forehead protector which Kakashi uses to hide the scar across his gouged out eye, Naruto reached out a cautious hand to remove it by sliding it over the silver hair. Then he put it under the pillow so as not to lose it.

Alone, the blond undressed the dark cloth that Kakashi forced him to wear; he didn't like the smell, yet he knew that it would end up becoming his by wearing it over time and also, he had no choice but to put it on. He left it on the floor with his sandals before climbing into the bed, being careful not to step on Kakashi. After all, the teenager could never forgive himself if he hurt Kakashi in any way, even by accident.

On all fours, Naruto got on top of Kakashi before sitting on his pelvis. His bluish irises examined every facial feature. His palms rested gently on Kakashi's cheeks. He brought his face closer to look at Kakashi more closely. He wondered why the dark-blue mask never left Kakashi's face. Was it due to other scars? The blond had noticed that Kakashi was quick to pull it up on his nose in his presence and that Kakashi refused to show that part of him to him.

Curiosity seizing the teenager, he slipped his thumbs under the fabric to remove it ... but his hands froze immediately. The desire to see the face of the only human important to him tugged him, devoured his entrails with malice; of all the faces he saw, the only one that really interested him retained its eternal mystery.

If he does, Kakashi would never know.

If he does, he could see the precious face.

But if he does, he would break Kakashi's trust.

Reluctantly, Naruto backed off and pulled his hands away. As he trusted Kakashi, Kakashi trusted him... Although the boy with deep blue eyes forbade himself, that was aware of the prohibition of such a thing, he still tried to pull down this piece of cloth despite him and each time he withdrew. The desire to know was too big ... like his hunger that dictated his actions.

Letting out a sigh, Naruto lay against Kakashi's body, resting his head on his chest, wrapping his arms and tail around him. The green jacket bothered him, but he tolerated it. As he gazed up at the dark sky speckled with twinkling stars, he let the soothing heartbeat lull him into a state of utter well-being that drove away the shadows tormenting his fragile mind.

However, an evil shook him. He might be with Kakashi, Naruto felt alone in the nocturnal sweetness that awakened his senses. He wanted to discover the outside world in Kakashi's company by enjoying this moon bath; discovering any greenery, any water, any earthy ground by his side... Letting the pleasurable and liberating sensations engulf him like when they had visited the territory of the other boy named Shikamaru... But because he was listening to hunger and this darkness inside of him, allowed them to decide for him, even enslaved him, Naruto was plunging Kakashi's entire being into lethargy and inaction.

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