Chapter 30: You Are my Everything

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The return went way better. The setting sun giving way to the darkness of the night soothed the photosensitive boy. He was still on his guard although his gaze was much less mad and agitated and he wasn't clinging so fiercely to me; I don't know to what extent his vision is affected by the light, but it seems that it's not negligible. If I analyze and compare his different reactions, the light—especially the bright ones from the sun—does blind Naruto, although he manages to tolerate it. I deduce that he must rely much more on his keen sense of smell during the day. This gives logic to his nocturnal rhythm which dictates his periods of atypical sleep.

I also had to go to the market to stock up on food since I will soon eat my last bits. Naruto just watched and smelled my selections with some curiosity despite his social angst. Besides the teenager pouting while hissing, everything went well... However, I fear that his feral behaviour will spread harmful rumours about him. Since the others were looking down at him when he was a kid due to the Demon Fox in him, I wouldn't be surprised if a new wave of hatred sprouts in Konoha. They might well believe that he's possessed by Kyūbi. I'll have to be careful and hope the fire doesn't catch.

Other than a few reminders to tell him to hide his tail, we arrived to my place without a hitch.

I don't have time to get rid of my bag or take off my sandals that the blond asks for my chakra. He stretches his two hands out in front of me, lowering his head to hide it in his forearms, snatching a sigh from me.

"We just got home. You'll have to be patient, Naruto," I say dryly. "I'll give it to you after your shower."

Naruto is insistent. He bends more by waving his hands as his tail twirls several times. As for me, I am determined to keep my positions in order to make him understand that he cannot control me in one way or another to get what he wants.

"I won't give in to your whim. You'll have to wait."

I may be a little harsh on him, yet I don't care. He must understand that it's I who dictate the rules and that he must obey them. I know how his altered, childlike brain paired with a beast works; if I let him ignore my orders even once, he will do it again. Not only that, but the risk of him spiralling out of control is the main driver behind my coldness towards him right now.

I have to keep the teenager under control after all.

I take off his coat as his stillness persists.

"Take off your shoes and meet me in the bathroom."

After dismissing myself from those at my feet, without giving him the slightest glance, I turn on my heels to run the water.

"The quicker you move, the quicker you'll get what you want, Naruto."

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Naruto didn't understand Kakashi's sudden coldness. While the hunger caused him discomfort, painless, but unbearable pains, and an urge to bite, Kakashi refused to give him his delicious lightning chakra despite his plea. Dejected, the boy ended up complying with Kakashi's orders and removed the sandals girding his feet. After all, he didn't want to upset Kakashi any more than Kakashi already was; he didn't also want to keep him waiting since Kakashi was waiting for him in the water chamber. He heard the watery rain as the soles of his feet touched the chilly wood.

He entered the small room and saw Kakashi checking the temperature of the water before turning his attention to him, one hand on his hip. Naruto avoided his dark, piercing iris for fear that Kakashi would pierce him with it. He didn't know why, but the organ in his chest had been hurting him for quite a while now. He had expected some kind of lecture for something he had done, though he hardly knew what his fault was. He feared anything and everything. Of all the human beings that the teenager encountered, Kakashi was the only one capable of providing him with a comfort on which he had become dependent... That Kakashi was to blame for his suffering, it tore him apart...

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