Chapter 11: A Faulty Amnesia (Updated)

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When was the last time that I got a good night's sleep or read my favourite novel? I cannot say, although I regret not getting back to it sooner. When Naruto finished his water, he and I stood in silence, staring at each other for a little while. Then he lay on his bed, showing me his back. I interpreted his gesture as an indirect request for solitude and I complied. Shortly after crossing the heavy metal door, I fainted, sleep taking me in its rivers of wonder; there were dreams, all forgotten.

Unconscious, I was brought back to my hospital bed. To my delight, my favourite books rested on my bedside table. I cannot tell the identity of the person who came to offer them to me, although I suspect Sakura. Either way, I don't care. My first instinct was to read as soon as my sight stabilized.

I had missed reading a lot, like a good hot meal that I ate with appetite shortly after regaining consciousness.

My chakra veins still hurt, but the pain is tolerable. All my muscles are stiff and sore. This is hardly surprising; I overworked them mercilessly, after all. Nevertheless, my body eternally thanked me for this day of rest that it desperately needed.

Beyond the window, twilight is gradually colouring the sky with its orange and purplish tones. I got up very late and slept like a baby. This tranquility that rocked me made me lose track of time. Surprised, but not surprised, no one came to visit me. I was probably left alone so that I could regain my strength. My physical state wasn't unknown to many, unlike my mental health which I hid behind a sad facade; I admit that I was on the verge of breaking up.

As my body, my mind is slowly healing.

As night fell, I immediately thought of Naruto. This bothers me and torments my thoughts which spin around to dizzy me. I wonder if he ate or drank today, and to say I'm anxious would be a euphemism. I am dying of worry. The blond won't be better if he only drinks a glass of water a day, of which I consume a few precious sips. Having looked more closely at his catastrophic physical state, he won't last long if he depends on me to quench his thirst...

Nevertheless, I will soon have an answer to my anguish since I hear the echo of footsteps approaching my room. The door opens and I recognize Lady Tsunade and Sakura. I put my book aside to give them my full attention. Unlike yesterday, their expression is much brighter; the dark clouds that hung over their skulls are no longer so dark and depressing.

"I see that you're feeling better already, Kakashi," Godaime says with a smirk.

"Indeed," I nod. "I assume you're not here for a checkup, am I wrong?"

"Absolutely," she confirms, crossing her arms. "You're expected there. Naruto just woke up."

Since I have to establish this bond of trust with the sapphire-eyed boy, that I return there at the end of the day was inevitable. Indirectly, this is my mission now and I will do everything I can to make it a success. Besides, I cannot wait to see him again. According to their facial features, things seem to be going well for him, but I am uncertain; I am unable to get rid of my pessimist.

"How is he? Did Naruto have—"

"You don't have to worry anymore. He's better," she cuts me off. "Thanks to you, he accepts the beverages offered to him... Not all of them, yes, but enough to keep him hydrated to a reasonable degree. However, there's still work to be done. He still refuses to eat. As a precaution, we had mixed tasteless and odourless protein powders into his water."

"Does he drink them?"

Lady Tsunade nods. In response, I let out a sigh of relief. Her words reassure me and calm my anxieties. If Naruto can be tricked in this way, we've ruled out the danger of malnutrition for now ... although he's already in the malnutrition state. Obviously, this solution is temporary until he accepts a suitable diet, even liquid.

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