Chapter 33: Sleeping Beauty

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The end of my road was much simpler and faster with the sapphire-eyed boy clinging to my back; I wasn't slowed down by his fear of others which still refuses to leave him. It seems that covering his eyes was a wise choice. Naruto stayed calm and didn't strangle me in any way. Nevertheless, his sensitive nose recognized the place once inside since he started to shake a bit, but nothing alarming. I ignored the looks directed on us because of our atypical look which wouldn't be if the blond didn't wear his forehead protector over his eyelids.

After informing myself at the reception to find out where I was expected, I continued my way to the place acting as an examination room. The trio turn their heads when I open the door.

Before they can comment anything, I beat them to it. "I am so sorry for being late. Naruto didn't make it easy for me," I apologize, chuckling flatly before bending over to lower Naruto.

He doesn't want to leave my back, but the teenager does it anyway, all slowly... However, he keeps physical contact with me since he tries to grab my hand and manages to do so, snatching a sigh of exasperation from me.

"He had a meltdown because he recognized the place, didn't he?" guess Lady Tsunade sternly.

"Indeed," I sigh, roughly lifting the headband from the blond's blue eyes, who must readjust it after.

"Let's not waste any more time. Sit down," Godaime orders me. "We'll start with a blood test."

I nod, glancing at Naruto to inquire about his condition. He seems to be doing better. The presence of the others makes him nervous, but he tolerates them much more easily than before; to believe that his barriers have dropped by a significant level. I won't complain about it. I can only be happy to see him get out of his wild temper which he's enslaved to.

As ordered, I sit on the edge of the bed as Naruto stands, staring suspiciously at each one, making Shizune and Sakura uncomfortable. Apparently, it's Sakura who is responsible for me since she sets to prepare everything on the metal cart by sitting on the stool.

"Naruto, you have to let go of my hand," I curtly order him.

Reluctantly, the teenager hesitates for a breath before complying, allowing me to roll up the sleeve of my sweater to reveal the crook of my elbow and therefore, my veins.

"I don't know if keeping Naruto here is a good idea," Sakura suddenly says, stopping what she was doing. "If you remember, Naruto is terrified of needles."

A brief silence rocks the entire room since this is true. I have no idea how Naruto will react when he sees it; amnesia can dispel phobias, but it's relatively rare... However, getting him out of the room is not a possibility either if I don't stay with him.

"We'll have to deal with it," Godaime sighs. "They can't be separated..."

"Kakashi-sensei, if you cover his eyes like you just did..?" my student cautiously suggests.

Immediately, the blond arches his back and brings his hands to his forehead protector before growling. He glares at her with his feral eyes as his tail twitches and his hairs begin to ruffle.

"Easy, Naruto," I whisper, raising my palms in front of him.

"He knows what we're about to do," Shizune says, horrified.

The tension becomes palpable. As she has just said, Naruto suspects and knows what is happening and therefore categorically refuses to be deprived of his sense of sight. In addition to his behaviours or his thoughts closer to those of a beast, Naruto remains very intelligent and that, Shikamaru and I confirmed it when we tested him many times. Fortunately, I am able to calm him down if the situation escalates.

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