Chapter 59: Winds of Violence

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TW: Food Disorder

I needed a few more days to recover and regain enough chakra. I wake up at twilight, and Naruto is already up, ready to say good morning in his own way by hugging me with all his limbs. I offer him some tea while I take a shower. I'm expecting a visit. Sakura and Shikamaru are on their way.

It's been a while since Naruto last saw Shikamaru, and I wonder if his absence has left a void in him. Although he sees Sakura daily, he doesn't seek to deepen his relationship with her. He seems indifferent. If she tries to make physical contact, the blond arches his back and moves away to enter my personal space; if she speaks to him, he listens to her silently, that's all.

Needless to say, his coldness hurts Sakura.

I usually feed Naruto after my shower, but since I plan to go out tomorrow and get back to my normal daytime life, I don't offer it to him right away; I don't want to be bitten twice anymore. Although this deviates from his established routine, he's not upset or frustrated; at that, he doesn't ask me or stare at my arms insistently.

Given that chakra devourers are depicted as entities possessed by their insatiable hunger, Naruto's behaviour confuses me. Unless I put the idea in his head, he doesn't ask for my chakra... Maa, until hunger makes him suffer or he really needs it. The only time he asked me was during his captivity. Moreover, he never pounced on me like a thirsty beast to devour my chakra without my consent...

If I forget this nightmarish assault, of course.

Surprised, but not surprised, Naruto expects another floral offering when I open the door. Noticing that Sakura is empty-handed, he lets out a grunt before going to my room to sulk. I allow Sakura the pleasure to explain Naruto's exaggerated reaction to Shikamaru.

As for me, I warn the sapphire-eyed boy to stop his childishness. I give him five minutes to leave the room. Otherwise, I clearly told him that I'd get angry. Fortunately, his crisis doesn't last as he quickly returns. Meanwhile, Sakura offered me the Hokage's medicine and care for my bitten and perpetually scratched and bruised arms.

Naruto just waits in silence, and according to his rather shy posture, he wants to ask me something; I have an idea since he keeps his hands behind his back. When Shikamaru greets him, Naruto smiles back. Once again, that hurts Sakura, especially since she's getting the silent treatment from him. He's still upset because she didn't bring him flowers... His bouquet, that he appreciates a lot, is fading, and that seems to sadden him a little; I suppose he wants to preserve it with new flowers.

My arms healed to a perfectly reasonable degree, Naruto is quick to show us the deck of cards. He begs for a play session, and he invites all three of us. The shine in his eyes nourished with hope is an obligation to agree. We sit on the floor of my tiny, non-existent living room; I only have two chairs in my kitchen ... three total if I include the one in my bedroom.

Given Naruto's silence, I have to explain a rule I implemented for him. Usually, the game Go Fish requires verbal requests. Instead, we must show one of our cards that we wish to ask the other. They quickly understand and we start playing. Because of the veil of static electricity that Naruto is unable to get rid of, they struggle to suppress startles at his contact. Over time, these painless, frustrating shocks no longer bother me—rather, my body ignores them.

While Naruto is focused on the game, determined to win and somewhat impatient if we linger to make our turn, we chat and catch up. The thought of reappearing in the village after many days generates a lot of anxiety and makes my stomach feel tight. I fear knowing the consequences of that full-moon night ... like the rumours of all kinds regarding my student or me...

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