Chapter 4: No Clue, No Hope (Updated)

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TW: Depression

As soon as the alert was given, the shinobis and kunoichis of Konohagakure mobilized throughout the village without wasting any time. Kakashi and Shikaku joined forces while Shikamaru remained under the sharp protection of the Anbu. The orders were simple: put an end to this disturbing invasion, ensure that no more kidnappings take place, and capture one of these ninjas alive.

The gravity of the situation was felt, and the unrest proliferated like bad weeds. No one had detected the presence of this group, which had bypassed Konohagakure's exceptional surveillance; they had even bypassed the barrier system enclosing the village, which allowed the affected teams to perceive the slightest intrusion between their walls. This group, whoever it was, seemed to possess special techniques and abilities that were granting them such a feat. It was unprecedented, an unreal crisis. Just as mysterious as the motive behind these abductions which were happening in shadows and silence was how the enemy had sneaked in, as if they were completely invisible.

Very quickly, everything was searched, down to the smallest forest, the smallest dark alley, the smallest stream ... no place escaped the keen senses of the patrols working hard to put an end to the threat.

Even though he was injured and exhausted due to his fight against this demon born from darkness, Kakashi rushed forward alongside his fellow warriors. Despite the order to work as a team, he did as he pleased. Focused on his goal, he quickened his pace, pushed his limits relentlessly; his body threatened to collapse at any moment, and he did not care. He brilliantly ignored the twinges and the fatigue that were burning his lungs. He clung to this meagre hope of finding Naruto and nourished by this light, he managed to find the strength necessary to continue.

Getting his hands on one of these shinobi was his only chance to rescue Naruto.

With the news shared by the Copy Ninja and the head jōnin, the Hokage preferred to be cautious. Some teams were responsible for counting ninjas in the village, even civilians. She did not write off the possibility that it was not only her soldiers who were the target of these kidnappings.

It was not until the first light of day that the search ceased and the numerous reports were given to Tsunade.

During the night, an attempted kidnapping had been stopped in time. One of the Team 8 members, Inuzuka Kiba, was one of the targets. The alert had not yet reached all units when the wild-eyed teenager was attacked; his ignorance had allowed danger to lurk peacefully, waiting for the right moment to swoop down on its prey. Kiba was alone with his faithful canine companion, Akamaru, when he was attacked. Like Naruto before them, the two had been scratched by poisonous needles that had forced them to slumber.

The young shinobi was a hair's breadth away from being abducted when a team sprung up to help him. Seeing the reinforcements showing up, the enemy kunoichi, dressed in black and whose face was camouflaged by an equally dark mask, mysteriously vanished the second she had disappeared from their field of vision. She had not left the slightest trace of her existence; it was such that she had disappeared into the voids from which she had come.

Immediately, Kiba and Akamaru were taken to the hospital and placed under close surveillance. Tsunade had taken care of them herself and headed the analysis department. By inspecting the insignificant injuries, she had deduced that even the duo's keen sense of smell hadn't detected the presence of this woman looming in their blind spot. The point-blank needle throw was so fast that avoiding or deflecting all the projectiles was impossible. Also, unlike the assault that Naruto and Shikamaru had had, the kunoichi worked alone; logic dictated that the target was already isolated and that the use of a bait to create a diversion was not necessary.

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