Chapter 63: Nightmare's Return

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TW: Eating Disorder

This time, I'm much more serene.

As I suspected, Naruto's invasiveness behaviours were caused by his fear of losing me or being separated from me for good. After releasing his tears once and for all, the teenager appears calmer and more independent; I can find myself in another room without him following me like a shadow. Besides, he quietly goes back to bed on his own without capturing me. However, he still insists on putting me back on his nocturnal creature lifestyle. This gives me far too varied periods of sleep...

I don't know why, but Naruto developed a tendency to hide his problems and sufferings, so as not to worry me... All in all, I didn't see him mutilate himself, and I didn't see any marks on his body. Despite his worrying secrets regarding his psyche, he no longer attacks his throat... Maa, I don't allow him to do so when he's in the grip of a nightmare.

This afternoon, Shikamaru comes to pick him up. To my great relief, Naruto doesn't hesitate to follow him, even if I refuse to go. Of course, I reassure him, in order to silence his fears, while giving him the hug he requests. His face is much less distressed than the last few times. Naruto shows a shy, little smile for a breath. Also, he doesn't glance at me as much as he follows Shikamaru, clinging to his arm.

Clearly, this discussion was necessary.

While waiting for them to return, I do a bit of exercise before cooking something. To my surprise, I'm hungry and no bulimic symptoms. However, the food quickly makes my heart sick, causing disturbing gurgling noises that turns me green. I have to stop my meal with a sigh.

In the bathroom, I look at my reflection for a long time, inspecting my silver hair with my fingertips. Despite two trips under water since that disgusting and unwanted grooming, my hair is still sparkling and pleasantly soft to the touch. I sincerely wonder what causes this phenomenon. Naruto's salivary glands serve to numb the skin and the substance produced by his tongue makes the effects of his drool immediate.

Is this the reason why his mouth is so clean that brushing isn't necessary? A wandering thought gives me a shiver of dread that slides down my spine. Since I'm rendered helpless by his venom, unable to be awakened by anything, I'm afraid it's not the first time he's soiled me like that... I've never checked my hair to notice, although it's possible that it's new. Our relationship deepens a little more every day. Sadly, I will never have the answers. I have no way of knowing, as long as Naruto is mute.

One thing's for sure. I'm not planning on subjecting myself to another slimy ritual.


Out of the question.

After spending too much time in front of the mirror, I finish my report. I read in complete peace while enjoying a black tea. It feels good not being bitten by anxiety about Naruto's outing. With all this stress waiting for his return, I would make white hair if it were possible. From what my father told me, our silver-coloured hair is a recessive albino gene. Unlike him, I inherited skin as white as snow, without the sensitivity to the sun that necessarily comes with this kind of genetic inheritance.

Shikamaru wants to prepare a group outing with the other rookies since the blond reacted well the last two times; Naruto even expressed curiosity. Maybe Naruto feels more comfortable around people his own age than adults. After all, adults in question made him live through a veritable hell that anchored the trauma of suffering. This caused quite severe amnesia, with which he protects himself by embracing it with open arms.

Since I expect my student to return in a rush, I don't notice that they're back, without an ounce of rush. I turn my head when my door is opened by Shikamaru. Not seeing Naruto at his side, I frown and anxiety rises to the surface. Worry consumes me and starts that race in my chest.

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