Chapter 19: One Step at a Time (Updated)

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True to my word, I stayed by Naruto's bedside all night. In order to be comfortable, I got myself a chair and one of my books despite the penumbra; reading in the dark is tedious and painful for my retina. Of course, I left to drink, eat and go to the bathroom. I'm still recovering, after all.

Exhausted, I had no choice but to sleep a little, although I slept with one eye open. At the slightest suspicious gesture or noise, my body was ready to wake up and react. Luckily, Naruto didn't move an inch. This allowed me to take a rest, tiny it is. Also, the pain in my arm eased enough to forget about it.

Once morning dawned, I started reading. According to his internal clock, he should sleep until noon...

However, a movement demonstrates the opposite.

Seeing Naruto stir, I put my book away. He winces in pain and his sluggish eyelids open with difficulty. His quick blinking betray the state of his still numb mind. When he painfully turns his head towards me, I greet him with a smile.

"Good morning, Naruto."

I cleverly hide my apprehensions; a drop of sweat beads on my forehead. Deep down, I question my decision to stay until he regained consciousness. I'm afraid that it scares the blond more than anything else.

Naruto watches me for an unspeakable amount of time; he looks at me, as if his brain is having trouble translating the information his senses are transmitting. His sapphire blue eyes don't shine, but their intensity makes me feel as if they've hogged the depths of the ocean. I'm bewitched by his pupils of an infinite black, in which I'd get lost forever if I dived into it. A strange feeling takes hold of me as my iris is unable to depart from his.

Naruto breaks this visual exchange when he pulls himself up to sit ... with difficulty as his exhausted arms shake and struggle to hold his own weight. He grinds his teeth and utters silent lamentations in response to the twinges that strike him unceremoniously.

"Lie down, Naruto. You're in no condition to get up..."

Before I can help him back down, the teenager shoots me a glare that freezes me on the spot. I don't insist.

Did I make a mistake?

Naruto puts a hand on his abdomen, on his wound that makes him suffer; at that, he gasps loudly. However, his breathing quickly stabilizes and once the crisis is over, he turns his attention to me—rather, to my left arm. I hear him swallow; nervousness seizes his whole being. I already know what he wants. Especially since he confirms it since he opens his mouth to show me his fangs, sliding his tongue over them.

Naruto begs for my chakra.

Which I don't want at all.

And I'm unable to hide it.

"...This can't wait another day...?" I complain in a whisper.

My student lowers his head and extends his palms towards me. Plunged into immobility, he begs me to accept his request.

The memories of his bite resurface in me, in all my being, until I relive it a second time. This unbearable pain; this atrocious fire burning my skin, my veins and my chakra network; those of the electrical currents proliferating in my nerves; my flesh pierced and drilled by his killer fangs; this horrible feeling of my strength leaving me little by little...

I was aware that I had to submit to this torture again, but not so soon. I note with horror that he's hungry every day.

Soon I will have to dig my own grave...

Reluctantly, I surrender with a sigh. Given the catastrophic state of my mutilated left arm, I offer him the right.

"Be gentle, Naruto. I still haven't recovered from your last bite..."

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