Chapter 58: A Well Deserved Week

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TW: Food Disorder

Patience is the mother of all virtues, it goes very well with healing.

As ordered, I rested the days that followed; to this, I still had the task of filing reports regarding Naruto. I share a little more, but I make sure to keep the compromising elements to myself. Despite my recovery, I cleaned up a bit, especially my disgusting bed, stained with blood, venom, bodily fluids and drool. With the rumours swarming in the village, the catastrophic episode of this full-moon night, I didn't leave my apartment at all, not even to get some fresh air. I'm not ready to face this unpredictable and inevitable tornado, which awaits me in order to swallow me in its violence.

Since I can't be hospitalized because of Naruto, Sakura had to come every day; Sakura is the only one that Naruto trusts after all. The obligation to nourish Naruto with my chakra prolongs my rather difficult recovery. All in all, I'm getting treatment for my bites instead of living with these unsightly and painful wounds on my skin. Like a hypocrite, I roughly bandage the bites when the kunoichi visits me.

Also, my fairly pervasive eating disorder is sabotaging my recovery. I reassure Sakura that I'm fine and that I manage to eat. But that's a lie. Hunger is absent and I force myself to fill my grumpy and useless stomach; I barely eat breakfast and I skip meals. Sometimes, I wake up with intense food cravings during which I devour double or triple my depleted amount until I make myself sick. I turn green and I have to fight the urge to throw up—something that has worried Naruto more than once. This binge eating disorder out of nowhere worries me a little...

The next day, Sakura told me about the test results. Other than a fairly large blood loss that would require a transfusion, nothing to report for me. As for Naruto, we have the answers to his saliva. The latter acts as an analgesic which deadens the signals of the nerves and in a rather deep way; that explains why I barely felt his fangs penetrate my flesh all their length.

The substance taken from his tongue does indeed accentuate the effects, besides making them immediate. However, it doesn't act on the surface. The bizarre spikes can pierce the skin into which the strange enzyme is poured; once administered into the epidermis, it promotes better absorption. In fact, it doesn't only accentuate Naruto's drool, it's compatible with other substances of all kinds, such as medicinal ointments. In a murderous logic, it could even allow a venom, a poison, a drug or a toxic liquid to enter through the pores of the skin.

However, synthesizing the saliva or the other substance is impossible. The mutant tongue is essential to administer it at the right depth. As for the drool, it's not effective enough on its own and takes too long to come into action, especially since it must be in large quantities to find similar effects on my neck and my hand; one doesn't go without the other, in short. That said, Naruto's weird tongue paired with his filthy drool can come in handy.

Without realizing it, I embarked on the nocturnal clock of Naruto. Since I have to rest and I'm cloistered at home, it didn't bother me, although Sakura is forced to visit me in the evening. Knocked out by his venom, I fall into a deep slumber from which it's impossible to wake up, and this, all day long. Naruto devours my chakra at dusk and poisons me at dawn, biting me twice a day. Naruto pinches himself during his meals to maintain his lucidity, but he's able to dose his venom. To say that I'm reassured would be a euphemism. I was afraid of sleeping twenty-four hours or plunging into an artificial coma.

With an intrusive and clinging Naruto, hugging me tightly with all his limbs when he goes to bed at the same time as me, I now close my curtains to protect my privacy and chase away the luminous influx of the sun. Thanks to his poison, I don't experience any discomfort with his sickly proximity; I sink into Morpheus's arms in a few minutes, if not immediately.

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