Chapter 29: Shikamaru's Challenge

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After this detour to Naruto's apartment, we took the path to the Nara residence. Sadly, I had to constantly tell the teenager to keep his damn tail under the coat; although I have to remind him less often than before, he continues to do so. I don't believe he does it on purpose—rather, I don't think he realizes it. Since this black tail has become essential for him, an integrating limb like his arms and legs that expresses his moods, I manage to understand him and forgive him his slippages. All in all, I take a long breath so as not to let irritation get to me.

I quickly noticed that the blond already seems calmer and less on the alert since we entered this rather quiet neighbourhood on the edge of the forest, blending and getting lost in the green landscapes that highlight mute the din of the village. The environment has overwhelmed the blue eyes of my student who scans the surroundings with curiosity and wonder. His luminous expression thus sketches a smile on my lips.

After another long walk with Naruto clinging to my arm like a tenacious leech slowing the pace of our steps, we finally arrive at Shikamaru's.

Knowing the youngster, he must probably be outside. As I suspected when I enter the courtyard, Shikamaru is lying very close to his shōgi table on his porch, observing the sky with wandering clouds, a cigarette in his mouth. Seeing us, he hastens to put out his cigarette before coming to meet us; even after avenging Asuma's death, he couldn't manage to quit, unless he didn't feel like it. Aside from his usual tired look, he waves energetically at us.

Naruto's grip on my arm weakens greatly. He doesn't arch his back and he doesn't try to hide behind me when the other approaches; moreover, his tail doesn't create a semblance of a barrier between us and Shikamaru. No doubt, the sapphire-eyed boy is at ease in his presence—something Shikamaru must have noticed since he walks towards us without the slightest caution.

"Kakashi-sensei! Naruto! I was about to believe that I wouldn't be seeing you today either."

"Taking him out wasn't easy," I wearily sigh. "His fearful temper and sensitivity to light forced me to slow down."

"I can only believe you," he sighs back. "My parents aren't here this afternoon. Naruto should be comfortable... Well, it's the first time he's not giving me one of his feral looks."

Indeed. The blond observes the place with intensity without worrying about Shikamaru. Suddenly, he silently laughs before letting go of me to remove his coat ... hardly, since he tries to pull it over his head instead of undoing the ties. He struggles with it for a breath and then forcefully gives it to me without even giving me a single glance.

Stunned, we watch Naruto rush into the yard before throwing himself into the lawn to roll around like a feline discovering for the first time the thin, green stems sprinkled with catnip. His ebony tail waddles happily as Naruto touches the fine fibres with his palms and face. The smile that doesn't leave his face has never been as radiant as this, like his many taciturn laughs; he's happy, that is understood. Like a curious and playful child, he's playing around in an atypical way by letting his awakened senses overwhelm him. He's also interested in the pond by plunging his hands into it, eager to discover everything.

Seeing him like this overloads my heart with light. Not only has the fear left the now sapphire-eyed teenager at ease, but he manages to walk away from me without a trace of anxiety in him. This feeling that pierces me from all sides is difficult for me to transcribe into words, but I am relieved and I feel so light now. Although he sports more of a beast-like demeanour than a human, I recognize this Naruto who is happy to live despite those wild traits.

"It's the first time I've seen him like this," I reveal to Shikamaru.

"Really?" he replies with a surprised pout.

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