Chapiter 88: Sinister Discovery

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TW: Eating Disorder

The following days go without incident. Feeding Naruto every night is slowing my healing, but I'm getting better and better, Naruto included. He manages to sleep, although it's far from being enough. I have to let him sleep in my bed, with me in it, while I read and focus on the food I must eat. He's annoying. Because of him, the staff and Sakura stare at me askance. I explain numerous times that his phobia of the hospital and his attachment disorder are to blame. Every time, I cross my fingers that they believe me.

They know he's ... clingy with me. However, I fear that their thoughts and opinions are going in the wrong direction. I don't want rumours to spread that I have an inappropriate relationship with him. I will to become a real outcast in my own village... Maa, even more than before.

Since my meals go well, the quantities are increased little by little. This chore, which is essential to my survival, is no longer as painful. My stomach accepts food more easily. The enthusiasm isn't there at all, that said. Food still disgusts me. I wake up with a bit of an appetite. If I listen to that voice in my head, I'd be full with just one meal a day.

I gain some weight back. Soon, I will be free of my IVs. Maybe it's tomorrow, and I'm dying of impatience. Since my blood is taken daily, the venous catheter will stay in my arm for as long as I remain in this depressing room ... which is gradually being demolished by my student's sharp claws.

There are scratches absolutely everywhere.

Naruto definitely needs to sharpen his claws. I wish it was a need for his hygiene as well. I want him to groom his hair and fur again. They are greasy, oily and excruciatingly unpleasant to the touch. Of course, he refuses to forget mine. He's really starting to get on my nerves. I always end up tied up and completely immobilized by his powerful limbs. He only releases me when he finishes grooming me with his filthy, viscous and cold drool. Every two or three days, he holds me hostage to cover my hair with saliva. He growls aggressively when I resist him... Unable to rival his brute strength and his infuriating stubbornness, I can only submit to him—something I don't like at all.

Fortunately, despite the lightning that accompanies his anger, he can no longer electrocute me.

I'm going through hell. My burning nails hurt constantly. I ask for ice packs many times to numb the pain, under the pretext that I have a headache. Suspicions are growing. My all too frequent requests end with refusals. Their half-closed eyes imply that they suspect something... As a result, I tolerate the pain until it vanishes. The pain disappears with the regrowth of my nails, which I have to scrub every day. Otherwise, I'm cursed with horrible itching. Strangely, their length tripled in just a few days...

I don't plan on cutting my nails anytime soon; the pain I experienced was enough to dissuade me completely. I'm not used to having long nails, and it feels weird. I have to relearn how to use my hands, just like I have to relearn how to use chopsticks. At least, apart from Naruto, no one witnesses my clumsiness when I drop my food more than once. I have absolutely no idea what's going on with my fingers. It isn't normal, and to say I'm worried would be an understatement. The only person who has the answers is my student trapped in silence... Even if he could speak, I'd end up with more questions than anything else.

I stretch my body and maintain most of my atrophied muscles as best I can. Under the blond's curious eyes, I just do push-ups in my bed. I'm so neglected that I run out of breath in record time. Since I'm still recovering, I respect my limits. I also want to work my chakra, but that damn mark on my neck reacts and burns me if I mould it. I try to endure the pain ... in vain. It gets worse as I do, forcing me to stop. I wonder if I must learn to live with the pain or if it will disappear... I sigh.

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