Chapter 39: I Have the Answers You Need

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As ordered, I immediately went to Shikamaru's home with Naruto. The fact that Naruto is photosensitive and that the fear of the outside painfully slows the speed of his steps, I carried him on my back, telling him to hold on tight. Yamato's serious tone implied that it was relatively urgent. Fortunately, Naruto didn't hesitate to wrap all his limbs against myself. Obviously, the latter likes to be glued to me like this. Since we were completely drenched, the wind produced by my running became icy and biting, making the sapphire-eyed boy shiver with intensity as he buried his face in my neck. Nevertheless, it allowed us to dry out a bit along the way.

Arrived at Shikamaru's, I took a moment to rid Naruto of his wet clothes which make him shiver with cold while his teeth were chattering; the blond is shaking like a leaf and he hugs himself with his arms and his ebony tail. At first sight, he has become chilly and his skin is relatively sensitive now; I don't shiver unlike him.

Of course, he quickly realized that he had to take off his clothes. I had to pull up his underwear, which he had managed to get down to his knees before I stopped him. Since he didn't seem to understand the reason for my action, I told him to keep it; despite the confusion in his eyes, he no longer tried to remove it afterwards. However, he refuses to get rid of his forehead protector; the reason why prompted me not to insist further.

As for me, much more prudish, apart from my pants, my top and my mask never leaving my face, I removed everything. Naruto stared at me curiously for an uncomfortable time, then he went to the garden to lie down and roll around in the grass; unlike the other time, he avoids shadows, demonstrating that he seeks warmth from the sun's rays far from being at their full potential. Uncovered, his tattooed back overwhelms my and Shikamaru's full attention.

In a way, this bewitching mosaic is particularly hypnotic and has a certain charm.

Shikamaru just remained silent. He didn't need to ask me any questions since he easily guessed why we were soaked, sketching a smirk on his lips that he concealed with his hand. Aware of Naruto's atypical behaviour, he knows that it's entirely his fault and that I've been dragged into his silly idea in spite of myself. The youngster thus avoids embarrassing me by having to explain to him what happened.

While I hang up the wet clothes, Shikamaru settles on the gallery in a cross-legged position and spreads out a map of the Land of Fire extending over the entire territory. He lights a cigarette and brings it to his lips, patiently waiting for me to come and sit down—something I do when I finish hanging out the laundry. I see that they have already marked and demarcated areas by hand. Logically, this must be related to where Naruto was sequestered.

"If I understand correctly, the team is back on the matter?" I ask, looking at the map.

Shikamaru nods after inhaling the cancerous smoke into his lungs.

"Godaime wanted us to look into the matter again," he confirms with a sigh. "With the new data, especially that on his medical file, we're able to determine approximately where he may have been held captive."

"I see."

It's true that by taking into account Naruto's regenerative abilities and his new condition being unknown to us at the start, we are able to find some sort of clue... However, I know that Lady Tsunade formed the team herself, as I know the people in question are very thoughtful, not to mention the teenager who is a real genius. That Shikamaru asks me to participate in the investigation puzzles me since they have access to my reports.

"Tell me, why did you summon me?" I ask, crossing my arms. "I doubt I can get things move forward more than you."

A silence. The youngster starts looking at me with a serious pout. In response, I frown. After an indeterminable time, he finally speaks. "I know you're not saying everything in your reports," he accuses me dryly.

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