Chapter 26: Unintentional Embarrassment

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TW: Food Disorder

I decided to wait until the next day to take Naruto outside for the very first time. Too mentally exhausted, he had contented himself with lying down after his daytime nap while I was finishing my report. I then immersed myself in reading after nourishing him with my chakra. He was still somewhat shaken by his nightmare, but with my offering, he seemed to be much better. Like the first night, the sapphire-eyed boy had returned to his place by the window to watch the sky obscured by dark clouds. Nose in my book, I let sleep win me little by little under the supervision of my student watching over me.

It was only once under the covers that I realized that I hadn't eaten again all day; the hunger is as silent as Naruto. If Lady Tsunade or Sakura were to find out, I would soon receive multiple sermons. I am well aware. After all, it doesn't help my body to fully recover.

I wonder if it's not related to my unnecessary fear of exposing my face under the piercing eyes of the blond who is in question of my fast... That or the anxiety that this whole story generates.

I cannot tell.

The next morning, surprised, but not surprised, I woke up once again in Naruto's embrace. He annoys me, but I have no choice but to tolerate these awkward mornings that will sadly happen again. After all, besides my bed, the teenager has no place to sleep. However, I was sure I would wake up long before he went to bed. Not only do I sink deeply, I open my eyes much later when I am used to being up at dawn, if not earlier... My body is exhausted, much more than I thought; it's the only logic that I can find to explain this, but I doubt it. Even greatly weakened, I am alert, always on the lookout for danger. I have a bad feeling; I feel as if I wouldn't be able to wake up if I was attacked...

I can't be sure until I give myself a chance to get better.

After a shower to remove the static electricity, Shikamaru came to give me the medication and I took the opportunity to give him my report. By this very fact, I told him that I would visit him in the afternoon with Naruto. Despite my absent appetite, I forced myself to eat breakfast, fighting the urge in my stomach to spit it all out. This time, I rushed to eat as I usually do, especially when there are potential lustful and curious eyes around. Of course, rushing myself like this didn't help my organ to accept the food into it. Foresighted, I also prepared a beverage to offer to the feral boy, more specifically a green tea. Unlike yesterday, he seems to like this one.

His good morning mood sketches a sincere smile on my face.

I take the risk of taking him out in the afternoon. As a result, I want to check his tolerance to light and sun; if there is a way to reaccustom him to a daytime life and for him to tolerate more the gleam which attacks his sensitive retinas. During this walk, I will take him to his house to pack some clothes before going to Shikamaru. However, this troublesome tail is problematic; it attracts way too much attention. The other things like his reptile pupils, claws or fangs are not conspicuous and the black markings can easily be camouflaged. But regarding that extra limb... I have to find a way to settle the matter.

"Come with me, Naruto. I'm taking you out today."

The blond tilts his head to the left with question marks in his eyes. For my part, knowing him, I know that he will soon join me in the room. So I don't wait for him nor look behind me. For the first time in a long time, I put on my accomplished ninja jacket, my back pouch, and my right thigh holster for my shinobi weapons before tying my forehead protector, camouflaging my scarred red eye.

As for Naruto, he stares at me in silence and curiosity. Seeing me put on my headband, he imitates me and ties his own on his forehead, smiling. At least he's not entirely trying to copy me since he doesn't cover his left eye as I do. This observation reassures me; I was afraid he wanted to look like me.

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