Chapter 48: The Beauty of Flowers

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Once outside, we mechanically put ourselves in such a way that Naruto was in the centre to avoid him being in direct contact with the others. He stays close to me, brushes against me, but doesn't touch me. Instead of perpetual fears lining his retinas blinded by light, a veil of curiosity and eagerness to discover everything is covering his face. Moreover, despite the enthusiasm engulfing him, his ebony tail gently remains hidden under the cape.

Seeing his fairly positive reaction, we decided to branch off into areas that were a little busier and more commercial. Though on the edge, Naruto isn't overwhelmed by social anxiety like before.

His nose in the air, he sniffs the many surrounding scents while wandering his sapphire eyes absolutely everywhere. This olfactory overload submerges his attention much more than the rest given his blindness. Also, his nostrils are much more sensitive than mine, probably surpassing those of the Inuzuka clan. I read at the same time, while keeping a keen eye on the teenager. In the company of Sakura and Shikamaru, I hardly feel the need to watch him as usual.

However, Naruto arches his back when someone enters his relatively large personal space, mine also which he has demarcated by himself. Luckily, his hair ruffling for the time of a breath goes unnoticed, but his glare and his few loud complaints make the others uncomfortable, especially when he clings to me to let them know not to approach us; at that, he's parting his lips slightly as he utters his loud growls.

No matter how much I tell him to stop ruffling his hair or showing his teeth, stubborn as a mule, Naruto continues the same patterns of aggression. Although we have calmly explained to him many times that no one wants to harm him, he doesn't deviate from his feral behaviour which persists with intensity. However, like a paradox, he has no problem entering their private space when he walks toward stalls and windows to observe them more closely.

I take advantage of our visit to this street to buy myself a new dial ... not without bickering with Naruto. He tries to force me to put it back where it came from or grab it to break it. The blond finally lets go, growling when I curtly order him to stop, making him understand that I don't intend to give in to his whim. After this argument, he just follows suit, staring at me, hands in his pockets.

No need to say that he's pissed off and in a bad mood.

"He didn't like the sound, did he?" Shikamaru guesses by placing his arms behind his head.

"Indeed," I sigh, burying my nose in my book again. "Naruto is exhausting me..."

"He's pouting like a child," Sakura points out.

"He'll get over it soon enough," I nonchalantly say. "It's true that he tends to act like an insufferable brat, but you don't have to worry. I'm able to translate his body language."

Meanwhile, I notice irregular movements under the cape. I stop and point at it, grumbling. I don't need to say a single word since Naruto understands what I'm referring to. Not without sighing heavily and exaggeratedly, he stops moving his tail, rolling his eyes.

"If you don't stop being childish, I'll take you home right now, got it?"

His deep blue irises avoid me before he shrinks. Much more calm and docile, he clings gently to my arm in a timid gesture. It's his way of expressing his desire to stay outside.

"Aren't you a bit too hard on him?" asks Sakura.

"On the contrary, I'm too lenient," I retort, walking again.

"All in all, you were right, Kakashi-Sensei," Shikamaru blurts out. "Naruto is much more comfortable in a group."

I nod. Then, without warning, this morning's discoveries come to mind, come to torment me with mischief. Logically, in charge of the observation post during Naruto's captivity, Shikamaru must be able to enlighten me.

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