Chapter 45: Embrace of Death

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 Before leaving, I asked Shikamaru to come by my home tomorrow morning, ideally with Sakura

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Before leaving, I asked Shikamaru to come by my home tomorrow morning, ideally with Sakura. Not understanding what I meant, I explained to him that I wanted to see how far Naruto's barriers to mankind had fallen. To do this, I must first observe his reaction in their company and perhaps take him out on the town with them. Since Shikamaru has access to all my reports, he's aware that Naruto agreed to give Sakura a chance. Getting what I'm trying to do, he nodded and then bid me a goodbye.

As always Naruto clung to my arm the whole way and for once I didn't have to remind him to hide his tail; at that, he seemed much less stressed than usual, although his fear persisted. Surprised, but not surprised, the sapphire-eyed boy hurriedly took off his cape and his sandals at home... However, he's now not doing anything else...

His deep blue irises fiercely avoid mine. He hides his hands behind his back as he swings himself back and forth. He wants to ask me something, but either he's too shy or he cannot. Since he was eager to get home to sleep, his behaviour puzzled me.

"What is it, Naruto?"

Nervously, he scans his gaze to the bedroom, then to me, and so on. Even his tail seems to point in that direction. Is Naruto asking my permission to sleep? In fact, it can only be that; despite his silence, his request is crystal clear.

"You can go to sleep, Naruto," I agree, ruffling his blond hair.

His ear-to-ear smile is so dazzling that it blinds me. As soon as I remove my hand, the teenager rushes into the bedroom. In the distance, I watch him jump on the bed; like a cat, he looks for the most comfortable place to roll himself up in a ball and then cover his body with the blanket. His ebony tail resting on the ground does a few reels and comes to a complete stop.

Mechanically, I enter the room to take a closer look at the blond. His breathing is already regular, and his face seems so peaceful to me. I almost want to let him sleep as much as he desires. However, to force him to follow my daytime cycle, I have to wake him up in the middle of the afternoon.

In the meantime, I stick to my routine, including soft training while respecting my limits. The traumas in my brutalized and abused chakra network are causing me some difficulty in moulding my chakra in these areas. Although it causes more discomfort than pain, I manage to mould my bluish essence ... if I ignore the burning sensations spreading through my aching limbs in doing so, of course. Since Naruto engulfed all my chakra the day ago, I tire very quickly; in this state, I wouldn't last long in a fight.

I hope he stops eating this much chakra next time.

Honestly, I am begging...

I feel like my life is slowly getting shorter...

I checked that Naruto is sleeping soundly to get some fresh air. I'm not used to being locked up at home for days on end and I miss the outside world; no need to say that confinement is starting to affect my morale. In addition, the strong body odours of Naruto stink my apartment, not to mention the crushing heaviness which accentuates the humidity and makes the whole thing very uncomfortable. The burnt aromas give me vibes that a fire caused by the faulty electrical system will soon engulf the place. I don't know why, but his scent is different and so intense that it has anchored itself in my nostrils forever, unable to smell anything else. His scent, which the soap cannot camouflage, is no longer that of a human. I manage to bear it, that's all.

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