chapter six

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Bonnie's pov
November 1st 2013
Lunch in the library

Wilbur wasn't there like he said he would be.

After waiting for a few minutes I decided to walk into the library, I didn't have a lunch with me. I didn't have any money after all, barely anyone was here. I walk to the very back of the room and set my backpack on the ground, pressing my back against the wall before sliding down and sitting on the floor.

I can't believe I trusted him.

I hear footsteps, I look up from the floor and see Luis standing with another guy. Me and the boy stare at each other for a suspicious amount of time before Luis steps in front of him, blocking my view. "Look at the little American, all alone?" Luis nudges the boy to also laugh, but he doesn't.

"...leave me alone..."

"Oh- check this out Cole, the losers speaking" Luis laughs, the boys name was Cole. Cole looked sweet. "Where's your boyfriend William?" Luis steps onto my foot, his body weight much heavier than mine. I wince and tug my foot back, he snickers.

"Luis were gonna be late for lunch" Cole puts a hand on Luis's shoulder, Luis scoffs.

"Come on Cole, live a little" Luis puts a hand on coles head, ruffling his black hair and shoving his head down. Luis turns back to me, tugging my hair and forcing me to stand up. "I told you I wouldn't go easy American" He hits my head against the back of the wall.

"Bon....nie?" We all look over to the voice and see Wilbur standing with wide eyes.

"Oh look, is William gonna save the day?" Luis laughs and tightens his grip on my hair, Wilbur walks over and shoves Luis away. Luis lets go of my hair and stumbles back, Cole puts a hand on his shoulder to steady him.

"Leave us alone Luis" Wilbur raises his shoulders, he was nervous.

"I don't know you think you are William" Luis walks up to him, "you think your stronger than me?" Luis pokes Wilbur's chest.

"I might not be very strong but I'll fuck you up" Wilbur glares at him, Luis laughs. Cole just shakes his head, his curly hair shaking with his head.

"Let's just go Luis, this is boring" Cole turns around and starts walking away with his hands stuffed in his pockets, Luis awkwardly laughs.

"I know right? So boring" Luis runs away and catches up with Cole, Wilbur looks down at me as I watch Cole turn the corner.

"...are you okay?" Wilbur turns to me, I blink a few times to snap back into reality.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anyways, why did you wanna meet here?" I sit back down, he sits down next to me.

"I asked the girl out to lunch and she told me she had to ask her boyfriend first" he sighs and I laugh. "Its not that funny, I'm a bit disappointed"

"I'm sorry, how many times have you been rejected?" His eyes widen, he lifts his hand and looks to the ceiling as he counts on his fingers.

"Twenty times"

"Okay, that's a lot of times" I bring my knees to my chest and place my hands on top of my knees.

"What about you? How many times have you been rejected?" He turns to me, I shrug.

"Never had the guts to ask"

"Do you have a crush on anyone right now?" I think back to Cole for a moment before Wilbur speaks again, "I'll pay you if you tell me right now" He smiles a smile I don't think I could ever forget.

"Fifty dollars" we both stare into each others eyes before he starts laughing.

"Bon Bon, were not in America"

"Well I guess I can't tell you then" I shrug and he whines.

"No, Bon Bon please! I'm curious, I'll pay with my hair!" We go quiet before we both start laughing.

"No thanks" I wipe a tear from my eye, "I like your hair, promise you'll never change your haircut?" He smiles and nods.

"I promise! Also where's your lunch?" I look around me for a second, I had forgotten we came here for lunch.

"Not hungry" He nods and looks forward.

"What's in the backpack?" He turns back to me, staring at my bag.

"Laptop" I grab my bag and open it, pulling out a small laptop.

"That's so cool! I wish I had a laptop, what do you do on it?" I open the laptop and he leans closer to me so he can see to.

"Write stories" I shrug.

"Do you wanna be a writer when you grow up?" I nod and he smiles, "I wanna be a writer too! Or- no, I wanna rule the world! I'm gonna be a president!"

"I don't think you'd be a good president, you seem like you'd crack under pressure. You know, like get thrown out of your own country by someone you trusted." He leans back against the wall.

"Hmm...maybe" He raises a finger and smiles, our shoulders touching when he leans closer to point something out on my laptop. "Thirty six documents?" I nod.

"I like writing, a lot" I turn my head to him, though he turned his head at the same time and we bumped foreheads.

"This is our forehead promise" He stares into my eyes and I stare back into his. "Our promise to be together forever"

"We make a lot of promises huh?" He giggles, his breath hitting my face.

"It just shows how good of friends we'll soon be" He takes his forehead off mine. "You wanna come to my place after school?"

"My mom always said never follow strangers home" he puts a hand on his chest and stares at me with a hurt look on his face.

"Bon, sure we met only five days ago but I feel a connection you know?" He smiles at me with that childish smile that I can't seem to hate.

"Okay fine, do you have a phone?" I close my laptop, he quickly nods and grabs his phone from his pocket. I type my number in and hand it back to him, he frowns.

"Remember? You need to add hearts, it shows that we love each other-" he types something in his phone, "-as f-friends of course" He flips his phone to show me. "See? Your not Bonnie when your with me, your Bon Bon. Bonnie is a nervous American, Bon Bon is my awesome best friend" he changed the name I set to
Bon Bon

"And your not William?" He nods, both our hands set on the floor.

"I'm not William, I'm Wilbur. William is a loser that is anxious around everyone, Wilbur is a music loving nerd that is pretty cool" his pinky inching closer to mine, slowly they link together. Wilbur leans onto my shoulder, I smile.

"actually I think William and Wilbur are both losers"


LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now