chapter eight

772 10 68

Bonnie's pov
August 10th 2021
"Girls day"

"Bon Bon" I feel someone lightly shake me, I grumble and wave them off. I hear a soft chuckle, "Sunshine your friends are here to see you for a.." it goes quiet for a moment, "girls day?" I quickly sit up, Minx and Niki wave at me and Wilbur smiles. "That woke you up!"

"I'm sorry I completely forgot" I get off the couch, Minx eyes me and Wilbur.

"So why is he at your flat?"

I shrug and rub my eyes, "Where's Ian? Has he come back from Zoe's house since yesterday?" I look back at Wilbur and shakes his head. I sigh and nod, "Okay, I'll go get ready"

I walk into my room and shut the door, the only sound I hear is the muffled talking of the three outside my door. I turn away from the mirror and make sure not to look at my body as I change, but of course I had to spot my stomach, it made me sick but I tried to ignore it.

"Okay so apparently Wilbur wants to roller skate too so since it's girls day we all can decide as a group" Minx glares at Wilbur because she was upset that he was trying to invade girls day. 

"Uh- well we do need a bit of change in our videos, maybe just this time?" Minx and Niki agree and Wilbur smiles.

"Let's go!" I make sure to lock my front door, Wilbur waited right by my side.

As we walk to the roller rink Wilbur kept glancing down at me, "are you cold?" I look down at him confused until he motions to my arms which are tightly wrapped around my stomach.

"Uh- no, no I'm not" He nods and looks forward again.

"Are you sure-"

"I'm fine Wilbur" He closes his mouth and turns his head back.

The rest of the walk was silent.


I had forgotten the image of seeing my body by the time we made it to the roller rink, I felt much better.

"Are you guys ready?" Minx slips her roller skates on, Wilbur chuckles.

"Hears the thing...I don't know how to skate" Wilbur places a hand on the back of his neck in embarrassment, I shrug.

"Me neither" we both smile at each other before Niki speaks.

"Well me and Minx know how, we can teach you" she smiles at the two of us, Minx laughs.

"Nah, it will give us more content if we see the two fuckers fall over and over" we all get ready, tying our roller skates before carefully stepping over to the rink.

"I'm scared" I look at the glossy wood, Wilbur smiles and holds out his hand.

"If you fall I'll fall to" I smile and take his hand, Minx and Niki have already gotten onto the wood, skating around while filming a bit. I take out my phone and hit record before me and Wilbur step onto the wood, he slips and we both fall.

"It hasn't even been a second" we both start laughing as we struggle to get up.

"We need to get to the wall" He points to the colorful railing screwed to the wall, we both stumble over and giggle when we make it. "Next step...learn how to skate" I hand him the phone and push myself off the railing, it was actually pretty easy.

"Look at me!" Wilbur smiles and holds the phone up to film me.

"Look at you!" I skate back to him, "now I need to figure out how to do that" I take the phone from him and he pushes himself off the railing just like I did.

LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now