chapter five

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Bonnie's pov
July 24th 2021
Wedding Ring

A few more people arrived, I didn't know any of them except for Ben, Tommy, and William. "Okay, everyone this is Bonnie" William places his hand on my shoulder. "That's Ash, Joe, Mark, Tubbo, and Ranboo" they all wave when their name is said.

"Wait- two times the cheese?" I look at Ranboo and he points a finger at me.

"Two times the disease! Bonnie Lewis knows who I am!" I giggle as he turns to Tommy and Tubbo.

Two groups of three start their own conversations leaving me and William in silence as we sit on the couch. "So...uh- I've realized you aren't wearing your ring" William looks down at my hands on my lap.

"Oh..." I look down at my ringless finger, "Yeah, people kept asking if I was married; so I took it off" I lift my hand and look back at William, he lifts his hand to show he's still wearing it.

"I just tell them I'm should wear it again" I glance down at my hand before nodding.

"Maybe I will"

"Are you ready Wil?" We both turn and see the band holding some different type of instrument.

"Uh-" William looks around for a second before grabbing a teal electric guitar. "Yes"

William leads us all to another room, "Bonnie Lewis what do you think of Wilbur Soot?" Tommy shoves a phone in my face, I feel a lump in my throat.

"Fuck off Tommy" William shoves the phone down and out of my face, Tommy mumbles a sorry I shake my head.

"It's fine" Tommy lifts the phone back up, farther back from before. "I think William is alright" I give the camera a thumbs up, William glances back at us, I see a small smile on his face.

"Where do we sit?"

"Sit on the fucking floor" William points to a spot on the floor, Tommy huffs and takes his seat next to Ranboo and Tubbo. I go to sit next to them but William stops me, "here" he places a stool down next to the three on the ground.

"Oh you're such a fucking simp"

William turns red and quickly walks over to the mic, "what is happening exactly?" I whisper down to the other three.

"Soft boy! Soft boy!" Tommy throws his hands in the air, we get handed ear plugs so the music doesn't blow out our eardrums.

William starts strumming the guitar, it just made me realize how long ago our relationship was. When did he learn how to play the guitar?

"And if you think that it gets better Darling, take a look at me" William moves his mouth closer to the mic, his Adam's apple moving with every word. "I'm in too deep" his lips crack into a smile "Same dried ramen in a bowl I'm too lazy to clean" He opens his eyes and stares at me.
"But I'm not drunk texting my ex anymore" the line made me smile as well, he was indeed not drunk texting me anymore. "I bet my father would be proud of me"

"-proud of me" I glance down and see Tommy singing along, he seemed to look up to William.

"I just don't want to be a soft boy anymore" I turn back to William and see him staring right back at me, he smirks. "I wanna be yours" He winks and goes back to singing, I feel my face burn. Why was winking so attractive?

" no..BonBur, not Wilnie..that names shit.." I look down and see the three boys whispering to each other, Tubbo spots me and alerts the other two. "..sorry.." they turn back to the band.

"And it's hard enough to be cool with everybody else" I sigh and stare back at William, completely forgetting there's other band members. "Mocking your haircut, oversized sweaters" Is that why he cut his hair? "Saying that I'm cute" Did he not like when I called him that? "I just don't want to be a soft boy anymore" he presses his lips against the microphone. "I wanna be yours" He pushes himself away from the mic, everyone starts clapping so I copy them.

"Yeah!" Tommy throws his fists in  the air and swings them around, William smiles at the boy before looking at me. I smile and nod, his face lights up. William steps around the mic stand and walks over to me as the three boys go to talk to the other band members.

"Did you like it?" I nod.

"Didn't you drunk text me two weeks ago?" Williams eyes widen and he looks down at his guitar, subconsciously playing with the strings.

"Well, yeah...but I promise I won't anymore" we both giggle.

"Hey Wil were going to James's, are you coming?" Joe looks back at us, William nods.

"Uh- do you wanna-"

"Yes, I'll go to that random guys house with you" William smiles and nods.



"No no, you swing it like this" I take the yo-yo from Tommy's hand and wrap it around my finger, showing him how to do 'walk the dog'

"I know how to do it American!" He tries to grab it back from me before William takes it from the both of us.

"I'll show you both how to do it"

I cross my arms. "I think I know how to play with a yo-yo" William giggles and swings it back and fourth before aggressively swinging it right into his crotch.

"Fuck!" He drops to the floor, I crouch down next to him as James, Ranboo, and Tommy laugh; probably because Ranboo caught it all on camera.

"Are you okay?" I put a hand on his back, he shakes his head. "Well I can't help you now can I?"

He lifts his head and stares into my eyes, "kiss it all better?" I place a hand on his forehead and shove his head away, he starts giggling.

"I thought you were in pain stupid" the others laugh as I stand up, I didn't like the joke.

"Aw you care about me?" His voice more high pitch, I roll my eyes.

"I will make you in so much more pain if you don't stop talking" He closes his mouth as I walk over and sit next to Ranboo.

"Hey check this out" Ranboo moves the phone closer to me and rewinds the video, replaying when William hurt himself.


I'm sat next to William on the floor as we watch a nature documentary, everyone else was on their phones. "...What's your least favorite animal?..." I turn to William.

"..I don't know...why are we whispering?.." He smiles and shrugs, "..what's your least favorite animal?..."

"...Anteaters, I hate those fuckers..." we both start quietly giggling, he leans his head on my shoulder; which he struggled to do. How much taller has he gotten? "...Their stupid fucking noses, named after what they eat.." we both start muffling our laughter, we didn't know why we were trying to be quiet but it just made it funnier. My laughter gets louder and William places a hand over my mouth.

I grab his hand and uncover my mouth "...Your so stupid..." we both smile at each other.

"Only stupid in love" I felt a pain in my heart from him quoting himself years back.

"Did you say something Wil?" Tommy looks up from his phone, which was in landscape mode. He was probably recording, William turns a bright red and shakes his head.



Froggies corner

I really love all your comments :]
They make me smile.

LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now