chapter eighteen

881 10 106

No one's pov
October 27th 2021
Cole this, Cole that

Bonnie had final beaten writers block and started writing a new story, "That's right chat! My autobiography!" She claps her hands together, Wilbur sitting right by her side; a bit scared on how she would write him into the book. "I'll see you all next time!" She waves at the camera before raiding Niki and ending stream.

"I'm so excited for your new book!" They both stand up, Wilbur follows Bonnie to the kitchen like a lost puppy.

"I'm just finished my part about America! Now I need to start writing about my new life in the UK" He swallows as she takes out some bread to make a sandwich.

"Heh- well how about not adding that part?" He chuckles as she stares at him confused.

" was part of my life Wilbur, I can't just cut it out and act like it never happened; you hurt me, it's not my fault you chose popularity" Bonnie turns back to the counter and takes a knife from the drawer.

Wilbur wraps his arms around her waist, "I'm sorry" he kisses her neck apologetically "you know I love you and love everything you do, I'll support you all the way"


Their both sat on the couch watching TV...well Wilbur was, Bonnie was to busy texting Cole.

"Bonnnn! I want attention.." Wilbur whines and leans onto his girlfriend, she smiles.

"Sorry I'm texting Cole, one second" she finishes typing out her sentence 'clingy boyfriend -_-' and sets her phone down. "Okay, how about we go on a walk after I use the bathroom" Wilbur nods and she walks away, he now let his anger show.

"..Cole this, Cole that..." Wilbur hated it, it was always about Cole. Wilbur snatches her phone and unlocks it with the password (which Bonnie had trusted him with) he goes to messages and gets even angrier.

Alright love you ;c
Sent at 0:04 AM

October 27th 2021

Sent at 8:32 AM

Your just spelling
my name wrong
at this point :(
Sent at 8:34 AM

I miss you :(
Wanna hang out?
I wanna kick some kids
Sent at 8:35 AM

I would love to but
Clingy boyfriend -_-
Sent at 8:36 AM

Dump his ass!
He hurt you :(
Fine >:(
Leave me alone in my sorrows
Sent at 8:37 AM

I'm crying and you are just leaving me alone?
Sent at 8:38 AM

He couldn't believe it, was Bonnie cheating on him? "Alright, are you ready?" Bonnie walks down the hall and back to Wilbur, he gets up and shoves the phone in her face.

"What is this?"

"Oh- it's just my texts with Cole...." it takes her a moment to process "What were you doing on my phone?" She looks up at him.

"Oh I don't know" Wilbur rolls his eyes, "it's always, "sorry I'm hanging out with Cole today.." or "No, me and Cole are having a sleepover!" What the fuck is going on between you two?" Wilbur places a hand on his chest, "...are you cheating on me?"

"Wha- n-no, why would I ever?" Bonnie takes her phone back from Wilbur's hands.

"To get your revenge? To see me suffer? I don't fucking know! I just know your cheating on me!" They both stare daggers at each other.

"Get out right now" Bonnie points to the door, Wilbur was taken aback at her straightforwardness; she was just gonna end things like that?

He huffs though he was breaking on the inside, "gladly....cheating bitch...." it had just came out which only made Bonnie angrier. She opens the door and Wilbur walks out, he spins on his heel and looks at her one more time.

"And just so you fucking know William, Cole is gay" she then slams the door shut, right in his face. That one sentence seemed to stop the world for Wilbur, she never swore unless she was really mad...she hadn't even swore at her parents, Cole is gay?

Wilbur bangs on the door, shouting apology after apology. "Bon please! I'm sorry...please.." she opens the door again, he smiles but immediately frowns when she shoves the golden ring into his hand.

"I've had enough of you William" she huffs, "we always seem to fall apart"

"Wha- no, no...we're suppose to fix the rings remember?" Wilbur takes off his own ring and places it next to the one in his left palm.

Bonnie shakes her head, slowly closing the door.

"We only broke them more...."

She shuts the door once more, this time more softer. It hadn't been easy holding a straight face, she walks back to her room; ignoring the banging on the door as she pulled out her laptop, Mama jumping onto it immediately which cheered Bonnie up. "...Bonnie Lewis please I love you...!" He had used her full name, she looks back towards where the door is but shook it off.

"Sorry Mama, William isn't coming back" she lightly pushes Mama off the laptop and opens her document. "Bonnie..!"

She begins typing.

It all started October 27th 2013....


Froggies corner

And that is the end ;(

I'm sorry if you wanted a happy ending but I'm an angsty person, I hope you enjoyed and have a good day :)

And here are the songs Wilbur wrote about her.
Soft boy
La Jolla
Your sister was right

Also have you heard the song, LIFES A BIT

it's a very good song but everytime I hear it I imagine Wilbur singing it into a microphone and just wanted to know if anybody else could see it.

Also if you could read my other stories I would really appreciate it :)

And I'm starting another story that is DSMP X ___ the name will be called "Trust me"



LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now