chapter seventeen

697 11 25

Bonnie's pov
September 24th 2021
"Best" birthday ever

"Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I'm now gonna go have dinner with my parents!" I clap my hands together and wave before ending stream, I sigh and unmute on discord.

"For the last time Tommy, I'm drafting the song" Wilbur huffs and Tommy whines.

"Come on Wil! It's a good song, my favorite!"

"What song?" They both go quiet.

"Nothing, it's nothing" Wilbur is quick to move on.

"It's called perfume and it's the best song ever" I could hear Tommy's smile.

"It's not important, moving on-" Tommy starts playing a song, "Tommy! Bonnie, mute! Mute!"

"It's three forty five (AM!)"

"Its sounds nice though Wilbur" I smile and listen to the song as Wilbur tries to speak over it.

"But I don't like his eyes" Wilbur groans in annoyance, he had given up on trying to stop him.
"And I distrust their name, And I hate their haircut" my eyes widen, the lyrics sounded familiar. "They look like a prick (a prick)"

"Uh- Wilbur..."

"I'm sorry..." his voice was close to the mic.

"What? The song is good innit?" Tommy chuckles, I nod even though he can't see me.


"This is why I wanted to draft it"

"Why can't you be a dick? Why must you be so nice? It's hard for me to move on, When I don't really hate you" as the lyrics repeated I sat in my chair and listened, I knew why he didn't want me to hear it.

When the song ends Wilbur groans, "I'm- I'm really sorry"

"Why are you sorry?" Tommy sounded confused, "you know there was this girl I liked and I accidentally took her perfume home" He sighs, "Anyways I'll be right back, my mum is calling me" he mutes, leaving me and Wilbur alone.

"I will remove the song if you want me to" Wilbur sighs, I shake my head.

"No, it's okay." I smile, "you know music really was your passion, I love the song...but, um- Wilbur have you really not moved on?" He's quiet, there's a knock on my door. "Hold on I'll be right back" I get up and walk to the front door.

"Bonnie!" My mom wraps her arms around me, my dad just walks inside and steps into the bathroom. "Ugh- don't mind him, he was complaining the whole way about needing to use the bathroom" I nod.

"Well you stay on the couch for a moment, I'll be out of my room in a minute" she nods and takes a seat, I walk back to my room. "Okay, sorry I'm back"

"Uh- right, so-" shouting cuts him off, "i-is that your parents?"

I sigh, "yeah, it is.." they both burst into the room.

"I can't believe you!" Dad looks at me angrily, "hurting the body we created!" He holds up a bloody razor blade.

"How dare you! Do you know how much pain it was to carry you for 9 months? Only for you to destroy your body?!" I stand up and clench my fists.

"You think I wanted you to give birth to me? That was your choice! Not mine, you decided to have a kid! Everyday I just wish! Just wish I never woke up in that bed! I can never do anything right! My parents fight because of me and say it's my fault! I wish my body would just wither away, dissappear and no one would remember me! All you do is tell me I'm a disgrace!" Hot tears were streaming down my face, I was surprised they didn't interrupt me.

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