chapter nine

713 13 64

Bonnie's pov
August 13th 2021
Call me

My phone kept buzzing which had woken me up, I grumble and grab my phone. Three missed facetime calls from Wilbur. "What do you want?" I stuff up my blankets and rest my phone on it.

"I wanted to talk" He smiles, he didn't seem tired.

"At..." I check the time, "3:45 AM?" His eyes widen.

"I couldn't sleep?" He nervously bites his tounge, I roll my eyes and lay my head back on my pillow, "Okay fine, update me on your life...most importantly Ian"

"What about him Wilbur? Are you jealous or something because I honestly couldn't care" I turn back at the phone and see him looking up at his own ceiling.

"Well- first I thought you were dating Cole, I saw you two hugging" He plays with his fingers.

"Friends aren't allowed to hug?"

"No! No, I'm sorry for assuming" He sighs and turns his head to the phone before looking back at the ceiling. "Ian is...cheating on you"

I laugh, "What?" That had woken me up, "no he isn't" Wilbur sits up and grabs his phone.

"Bon, I'm not lying...your so starved for love you're ignoring it!" He grabs onto his hair, "I hate his eyes, his name isn't even trustworthy! Please Bon, you gotta believe me" his eyes looked genuine but I couldn't believe Ian would cheat on me, he wouldn't.

"Wilbur I think you're just trying to get me to break up with him" I furrow my eyebrows, Wilbur shakes his head.

"I swear, I-I promise!" We both stare into each others eyes through the phone.

"Is that just another lie of yours?"

His face saddeneds, "I feel horrible, this is my fault you have such bad trust issues"

I roll my eyes, "yeah" we both look away from each other, "and they say I'm the monster"

"Just...please, this one time...I promise with my heart, soul, life and love...he is cheating on you" He takes a breath, "w-where is he right now?!"

I grab the phone and show Wilbur that Ian is sleeping right next to me, his arm wrapped securely around me "didn't help your case"

He grumbles out of anger of not being right, though sighs after. "By the way he holds you I bet he serenades you..." He loudly exhales, "I can't really blame you"

I roll my eyes, "have anything else to say Wilbur?" I hover my thumb over the red button, he quickly looks back at the phone.

"Wait- p-please, please take my warning seriously" Ian pulls me closer, mumbling something into my back before placing his chin on my shoulder. Wilbur grimaces, "and I hate his haircut"

I hang up.


"Welcome back to the stream everyone! Today I have TommyInnit joining me...well I'm joining him, he invited me to- among us?" I smile at the camera confused, though I only accepted because Tommy told me Wilbur was feeling to 'under the weather to play'

I join the lobby and unmute, "See?! See?! I told you I knew Bonnie Lewis!" You could hear the squeaking of Tommy's chair as he jumped up and down.

"Hey Bonnie Lewis can you wish me a late happy birthday?" A green man walks up to me.

"When was your birthday?"

"Yesterday" I smile and lean back in my chair.

"Than happy late birthday Dream" I hear a bunch of commotion.

"Ha! Bonnie Lewis said happy birthday to me!"

"You know you guys can call me Bonnie right?" I laugh, "and it's actually an honor talking to you Dream, I love your manhunt videos"

"Stop flirting! Talk with me now mamacita!" A dark blue man walks over, taking Dream's spot.

"" Everyone starts laughing, "oh- I'm sorry! Did I say your name wrong?"

"Everyone shut the fuck up!" He grumbles, "guys please" everyone starts laughing even harder. "It's Quack-ity, Quackity" I nod.

"Quackity" He claps his hands.

Soon everyone else introduces themselves, Phil, Tommy, Dream, George, Quackity, Corpse, Sykunno, Tina, Toast, Tubbo, Karl,  Schlatt, Minx, Lily, and they said one more person would be joining. A discord ping makes everyone go quiet.


"Wilba! Ma friend! You said you weren't feeling well, is it that imaginary virus you've been yapping about?" Everyone chuckles, I stay quiet. What if I just left? Or said something came up?


I was to busy thinking of ways to get out of the situation, they already started the round. It was me and Schlatt as the impostors.

I knew exactly who I was gonna kill, I just didn't know how to.

I walk around not know what to do, a white character following me. "Chat what do I do?" I giggle, trying to calm myself down. "I've never played this"

A dead body is reported, everyone unmutes and starts talking at once. It was a lot but I tried not to bring attention to myself. "Who was it?"

"It was me" everyone goes quiet, am I suppose to tell everyone that I'm impostor to? "I killed Quackity, he was being a bitch" Schlatt laughs, his laugh was a bit intimidating.

"Is he lying? Like...a joke?" Tubbo was confused, so was everyone else.

They all decided to skip vote.

Wilbur kept following me so I walked into a corner and killed him, my phone buzzed and I saw it was from Wilbur.

Bon please answer ♡
Sent at 3:52 AM

You're scaring me ♡

Text me when you wake up? ♡
Sent at 4:39 AM

I'm sorry
Sent at 5:32 AM

I deserved that ♡
Sent at 18:21 PM

I huff and look back at my computer, why should I believe him? My ex? The one that shattered my heart? He's just lying to make me suffer again.

But why is Ian always as Zoe's instead of hanging out with me?


Froggies corner

Realization hurts more than denial.

LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now