chapter ten

628 10 9

Bonnie's pov
August 21st 2021
New song

"Yeah?" I place the phone up to my ear, Tommy had called me.

"Uh-" he's quiet for a moment, "...why..won', pick up Wilbur's calls!" I roll my eyes.

"Is Wilbur right next to you?"

"No, on a discord call" I huff and push myself off the couch.

"Hang up with him and I'll tell you" I hear a quick bye from Tommy and then a chuckle.

"Are you actually going to tell me?"

"No, wanna talk about something else?" Tommy starts shouting into the phone.

"Have you heard the new song Lovejoy's working on? I love it! It's so good!" I walk into the kitchen as tommy goes on about the new song.

"Tommy can we get off the Wilbur topic?" I roll my eyes.

"Why?" We're both quiet for a moment, "no one ever tells me anything" He huffs. "Are you two fighting or something? How do you get into a fight after a month of knowing each other?"

"...Tommy we knew each other when we were teenagers" I hear a loud gasp on his end.

"What? Tell me! Tell me!"

"No Tommy, that's all I'm telling you- and you better not tell Wilbur about this" I grab a cup from my cupboard.

"Yup yup, you got it women...can I hear more now?" I roll my eyes.


"What if I invite you to a vlog? We're wandering london" I walk to my fridge.

"Tommy why would that make me want to tell you more?" I fill my cup with water.

"Because I am awesome, everyone wants to hang out with TommyInnit"

"Okay, I'll go with you if you stop asking about me and Wilbur" I hear happy shouting.

"Yes! Yes! This is gonna be so fun!" I chuckle before taking a sip of water.

"So who's going?"

Tommy chuckles, "well...your gonna laugh at this...and you can't leave now! Promise!" I promise him, "George, Jack, and Wilbur, I'll text you the address to meet at" He then hangs up, I shouldn't have promised him.


"Hey Betty?" Ian peaks his head around the corner, I look up from my book.

"Bonnie, and yeah?"

"I know I haven't been spending a lot of time with you and I'm sorry but I'm gonna go hang out with Zoe" Ian walks over and wraps his arms around me, I swallow the lump in my throat and decide to ask the question.

"Are cheating on me with Zoe?" Ian looks at me with a hurt look on his face, he pulls away.

"I can't believe you'd think something like that, I- I...your my girlfriend!" He huffs and crosses his arms, I close my book.

"No, no I'm so was Wilbur he told me you were" I place a hand on his forearm.

He scoffs, "he's just trying to get you to break up with me, it's obvious he fancies you"

"I haven't spoken to him in a while" I smile at Ian, he just rolls his eyes.

"At least Zoe won't lie to me" he walks to the front door and slams it shut behind him.

I wish I was Zoe.


Froggies corner

I'm gonna be really sad when this story ends :(

I love writing it.

LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now