chapter eight

924 13 8

Wilbur's pov
November 1st 2013
My heart

"Actually there's this song that came out this year, I really like it" I scoot over and lean my head over her shoulder as she opens google.

"Oh! I have earbuds, it will sound much better" I crawl off the bed and open the box that has my earbuds, I sit back down and hand her the jack. She plugs it in and takes one of the buds from me, I stick the right bud in my right ear. She clicks play and I smile.

"Our song, Radiator hospital?" I giggle, the name was perfect "this is our song now" I rest my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes. This was nice, she was nice. I feel another weight on my head which made it even nicer.

Everything around me was gone, it was just me and Bonnie. I feel something lift my head, I open my eyes.

"Uh- s-sorry, What'd you s-say?" I didn't mean to zone out, how long was I resting my head on her shoulder?

"What's your favorite song?" I smile.

"Well I can't actually choose a favorite song, but I love Los Campesinos!" She looks at me confused "here" I slide my hand under her laptop, I feel my heart race when I touch her thigh but I quickly shook it off. I place it in the middle of us.

"This is called, Romance is boring!" I click play and we go quiet, instead of looking at the computer I turn to Bonnie, she had a small smile playing on her lips. She turns to me and I quickly look away, why is my heart beating so fast?

Once it ends we go quiet.

"So...What'd you think?" We both turn to each other, she smiles.

"I think it's one of my new favorite bands" out of excitementI hug her, "what's the hug for?"

"Liking my option" I mumble into her neck, after a few seconds I feel two arms wrap around me. My breath hitches, I couldn't be feeling the same way as I just did for another girl "Your very nice Bon" could I? She's nice and sweet...pretty "Would you maybe want to hangout tomorrow? After school?"

I look down at my lap as I wait for her answer "No thanks" she puts her laptop away.

I sigh "Twenty one" we only met a week ago, I'm such an idiot. "Anyways!" I sit up straight "are you excited for fish and chips?" I smile at her

"What is it exactly?" Is she serious?

"Are you dumb? It's fish and chips, those two words literally explain what the food is" she looks at me offended, shoving my chest.

"I am not dumb" I lightly shove her shoulder, I didn't wanna hurt her. Though it turned into a shoving war.

"But you didn't understand what fish and chips was" I poke her side and she squeaks, I smile. "I found your ticklish spot" I start poking her as she laughs and falls back onto the bed.

I move onto her lap to hold her down, I ran out of breath myself from how hard I was laughing "Stop! I can't breath!" She tries to roll around "Im sorry!"

"Admit that your dumb!" I giggle.

"Okay!...okay..! I'm dumb! I'm dumb!" I stop and she finally starts to catch her breath.

I try to catch my own, still laughing a bit as I run my fingers through my hair. I look down and see her staring back at me with wide eyes, my eyes travel down and I realize what I've done. My face burns as we both hear the door open.

"Dinners-" we both turn, I see my mum standing in the doorway "..ready" We all stare at eachother, I was frozen "Wilbur-"

"No- no, no no. No. It's not what it looks like" I get off her "I...this...Bonnie- me, no."

I try to figure out how to explain it as I cover my face in embarrassment, "...uh, it...we didn't..." I feel a tap on my shoulder, I uncover my face and see Bonnie "Huh? Where did-"

"I explained to her what happened, we need to wash..up? I think that means wash our hands" I smile.

"Yes! This way!"


"You never told me you had a YouTube channel" I quickly peak back into the room to see Bonnie sitting in front of the computer, I walk over and take the mouse from her.

"Uh- it's n-not that important" I close the tab out, she's gonna make fun of me isn't she?

"Well I thought it was cool, Alittlebritofwil?" She smiles at me, I sigh and nod.

"...yeah.." I lean over her and place both my hands on the desk. "Do you really think it's cool?" She nods, I smile."maybe you can be in a video at some point"

"Its getting late, I should probably go home" I back up and she gets out of the chair.

I didn't want her to leave, "wait- what if..if we went on tamatalk?" I open a new tab on the computer.

"No, sorry Wilbur. I really need to go" I felt butterflies in my stomach when she said my name.

"What if y-you stayed the night?" I look behind me and see she has her backpack on.

"Uh- I don't know what my dad would think...or my sister.." I sigh and look back at the computer.

"Okay, could you just help me figure out a username?" She walks over to me, I look at the settings icon. "Settings?" She shakes her head, "Sottings?" I type it into the username bar, she shakes her head again. "I thought it sounded nice"

"That's pronounced sootings" I smile and retype it.

"Sootings it is"


"I'll see you at school Bon Bon" I give her a tight hug, we were standing outside her flat. "I'm gonna miss you"

"It's only a few hours" I could hear her smile, I let go of her and wave as I walk back to my mums car.

Do I like her?


Froggies corner

Pov swap???

LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now