chapter one

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Wilbur's pov
July 16th 2021
Just a "friend"

"Tommy for the last time-" I look down at Tommy who has a shit eating grin on his face as we cross the street. "-I don't have a crush on Bon- Bonnie Lewis" He raises his eye brows up and down.

"Already got a nickname for her? Your sooo in love" I lightly shove his shoulder, "how come I always see you watching her streams? Always stalking her twitt-" I cover his mouth with my hand when a few people pass by, Tommy opens the door of the Cafe.

"Shut up okay? Sure, I own all her  books...I watch all her streams, but that doesn't mean-" I quickly hide behind Tommy when I see Bonnie sitting in one of the booths.

" crush.." Tommy walks like a crab to another booth, I sit down so my back is facing her. I forgot she moved to Brighton two months ago, I fell asleep watching the stream and only saw clips about it.

"Do you think she saw me? Oh no, what if she saw me?" I place my hands on the sides of my head as Tommy shrugs.

"What if she does? Go ask for a photo or something-" he smirks at me, "or are you to...nervous~" He jokes and I glare at him, I had forgotten he doesn't know her like I do. "Okay big man, I got this" Tommy pushes himself out of his seat.

"...Tommy! No!.." He walks towards Bonnie, I pull my hood up to hide from embarrassment- or the devil known as Bonnie Lewis. She was gonna kill me, just like how her sister shouted curses at me until I left.

"...Hey, you're Bonnie Lewis correct?.."

"Uh- yes, yes thats me" Tommy chuckles, I could tell she still had anxiety from the way she spoke.

"Well I'm Tommy- or more known as hah Tommyinnit"

"Oh! I know you, I watch your um- sky block videos!" She snaps her fingers.

"My my, an old fan? I don't make those videos anymore, but back on topic. my friend over there is a big fan- and when I say big I mean BIG! His name is Wil, he has all your books and stalks your twitter!" Stupid Tommy! "Also here is my number, I wanna stream with you. I've seen your streams with Minx and Niki before!"

I hear her soft laugh, I missed hearing it in person. "Well does he want a photo?"

"I don't know, do ya wanna photo Wil?" I vigorously shake my head, I hear the two laugh before footsteps walking over.

"No need to be shy, you know- I'm also a very shy person, took me a lot of courage to-" she stops talking when she makes eye contact with me.

"Uh...hey Bon Bon"

"I'm sorry I have somewhere to be" she spins on her heel and begins to walk away before Tommy steps in front of her.

"Why so soon? Aren't you guys gonna take a photo?" She shakes her head, Tommy eyes us with a confused look. "You know, maybe play some minecraft together too?"

"Sorry, I'm not into minecraft"

"Your minecraft streams say otherwise" Tommy chuckles, she huffs and shoves him out of the way. She opens the door and leaves, Tommy grips onto the door and pokes his head out. "You just shoved a famous person ya know!"

"Tommy...this is exactly why I said I didn't want a picture" I run a hand through my hair, Tommy walks back inside and sits down.

"why didn't she wanna take a picture with you?" Tommy looks out the window, I take a look as well. I see Bonnie on the other side of the road hugging someone way to familiar for my liking. Cole.

"God I hate that guy..." I clench my fists, Tommy grins.

"So, no crush right?"

"Tommy I'm not ready to tell you what happened, all I'm gonna say too you is me and Bonnie used to be friends...friends and that's it, just friends and nothing more" I cross my arms, Tommy rolls his eyes.

"If you were just friends tell my why you needed to clarify that three times" I peak out the window again and see that the two are gone.

"Just fuck off, let's order something"


Froggies corner

7 years later

LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now