chapter three

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Bonnie's pov
July 20th 2021
My new...buddy

I still couldn't believe that I agreed to let William explain, I mean..could I even forgive him?

I check the time, 9:56. I just stepped into the park, I didn't like being late or early so I guess the time was alright. I continue walking until I see the tall(er) man, how did he get even taller?

"Bon Bon!" William turns and waves at me, immediately wincing and holding his head. He had a small package in his hand, if he was gonna try and win me over with gifts it wasn't gonna work.

"Are you okay" I look up at him, he has his eyes closed as he nods.

"Yeah..yeah, a bit hungover..your fine- I! I-I'm fine" William nervously chuckles, I lead him over to a bench to sit on.


"" I roll my eyes after he copies me.

"Are you not gonna explain the disaster of 2014?" His eyes widen and he nods.

"Right...right," he scratches the back of his head, "Do, get time to think?" I glare and him and he quickly looks down at his lap. "This is for you" William lightly places the package in my lap, I look down at the package before opening it.

"..why do you still have this?"

I take the broken reading glasses out of the box, the right lense had a small crack and the arms glued back on. "Well...I just thought you'd want it back..." He fiddles with his fingers, I place the glasses back in the box.

"Well I didn't want some broken piece of plastic" He sighs as I look back at him.

"Look, I'm really sorry...and I should've said this earlier but-" William lifts his head and stares into my eyes, he softly grabs my hands. "I love you"

"You're right, you should've said that earlier" I pull my hands back and place them on the sides of the box in my lap, William mumbles something but I couldn't hear it.

"Okay, I can explain the whole story" I nod, telling him to continue. "So it was sometime in January, I was heading to the bathroom but Luis and Panadol stopped me-"

"How are you and Panadol by the way?" I see his eyes sadden, he looks back at his lap.

"We were together for two years, though she stood me up on a date" I slowly nod, it made me the slightest bit happy that they didn't work. Not because I miss William, it's because he left me for her and she left him.

"..continue" I turn my head to him, he nods.

"They made this deal with me, I don't exactly remember what it was...all I know is that the payment was I'd be popular and Panadol said she had a crush on me for a while, attention is an addiction you know?" He quietly chuckles but stops when I don't join in.

"So you broke my heart because you wanted to be popular? And whats with the haircut, you promised you'd never cut it and here we are-" I stopped myself from going on whole rant, William smiles and nods because he knew I stopped myself.

"And I feel horrible about it, also Luis told me my hair looked like a mop with shit in it- but when I saw them shove you I felt terrible, I didn't know if I was gonna go through with it...when I saw you crying I knew I fucked up, I was just a stupid fucking kid that did stupid shit to be popular-" he turns and grabs my hands again, "but I swear, I've changed. I'm different, and I will never stop loving you for as long as you live...we can be happy again, we can love each other again...I'm so so sorry for what I did, I love you and I will wait until you forgive me" it sounded like he meant every word.

"William I-"

"Did you just call me William?" His face saddened, I nod. "Your my friend, call me Wilbur and I can you Bon Bon" He smiles, it was the childish smile I thought I could love and trust.

"But your not my friend" his smile turns into a frown, he sighs and drops my hands. "So call me Bonnie" He nods.

"Alright Bonnie"

"...but I forgive you.." William lifts his head, his eyes wide. "I never thought I'd say that" he giggles and wraps his arms around me.

"I missed you" I smile but quickly purse my lips.

"I wanna say I miss you but honesty means I shouldn't lie" his grip on me tightens. "But we aren't friends...were just buddies for now" I feel him nod on the side of my arm.

"I missed you so much Bonnie"

"Keep that to yourself William"


LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now